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(Message started by: riavaigh on Sep 8th, 2002, 2:18pm)

Title: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by riavaigh on Sep 8th, 2002, 2:18pm
Rt now I'm in a cycle but with the constant un-realted headache. Yesterday I only had 2 clusters but my head doesn't stop hurting. Sometimes I go for 2 weeks without hurting but then it starts all over again. I did go for almost a year without CH but why have they come back on top of my other headache? I can't take this! I'm going to the doctor tomorrow but I need to talk to someone who knows what I'm feeling. My head hurts 24-7 in one way or another, then I go insane on top of it and feel like I wanna die. This really is hell.

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by Ted on Sep 8th, 2002, 2:56pm
Hi Riavaigh,
Some of the other people here have other types of headaches on top of clusters (and some have other types of headaches that they call clusters but clearly aren't). There's also some who only have clusters but are chronic and rarely see a painfree day. While we may not have pain 24/7 we fit into the 7 part with stretches of many attacks/hours each day. If we'll do for you to talk to I'm at

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by Drk^Angel on Sep 8th, 2002, 7:06pm
I have chronic tension type headaches as well as episodic clusters.  What that means... Everyday, all day, for the last 13 years, I've had a headache that normally about as bad as a hangover without needing to drink anything, and occasionally have a cycle of clusters.

PFDAN....................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?DRK
Post by riavaigh on Sep 9th, 2002, 12:18am
DRK Angel- Thank you! Finally, some people that I can relate to. I found that there are some defensive chatters on this forum who seem to think many of us do not really know what Clusters feel like. Well, that bothers me because I'm not here to win a pain contest. I just want to talk to others who experience what I experience. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. It's been a long time and my patience is running out. Thanks for responding!  :)

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by riavaigh on Sep 9th, 2002, 12:43am
Thanks! ;D

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by TerryS on Sep 9th, 2002, 1:09am
Hi Riavaigh, Sorry your having all this pain. I know what your going through, because I have been having the same type of pain. My Neuro has just changed my meds and I'm hoping they will start working. For almost two years now but more this year then last I seem to have gone Chronic. A year ago I had clusters for 7 months. Ended in June and started back up in Nov. then stoped in Jan. and started up again in March and from there I have been getting hit every month week day. If I have a Migraine then I won't get a cluster till the migraine is gone, but as soon as the migraine ends here comes the shadows or a full blown cluster. I don't know why I have become chronic but I guess that's the nature of the beast. I just wish I could go back to when I use to get them for two months and then they would be gone till next year, because this really If I didn't laugh about them I would be crying. So I just deal with them the best I can and that means calling my Dr. when his Voodoo pills aren't working and praying for releif so far I think the latter is working better. The Dr. O God 10.

Good luck and God bless, E mail me anytime.


Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by riavaigh on Sep 9th, 2002, 2:37pm
Thanks! That is exactly what my life is like. Sometimes I wonder how I do regular things, how I go to work, how I live with this. Sometimes it's harder than others. Right now it's hard because it's one of those days where I get angry but if I allow myself to scream the beast will attack even harder so I try to stay as calm as possible. I have to be greatful today because right now it's just the constant  headache which is much easier to deal with than CH. I plan on going back to the Doctor today to find a new cure so wish me luck. Thanks!

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by pjbgravely on Sep 9th, 2002, 5:23pm
Todat I had a CH shadow, Then I got a tension ha from the heat then I got a migraine. It so nice having ha's that you can take ibuprofan and rest to get rid of them.

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by Linda T on Sep 9th, 2002, 6:05pm
Dear R:  When I'm at the peak of my cycle I feel as if I have a "regular" headache almost all of the time.  Besides that, my head is so sensitive that I feel as if someone has been beating the hell out of it.  I can't comb my hair or even run my hand across my scalp because it hurts.  Also, sometimes, I feel shadows for hours at a time.

I don't know if it's just the nature of the beast or if all of the pain meds bring it on.   Either way, it sucks.

Wishing you the best of luck and PFDAN always, Linda T

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by echo on Sep 10th, 2002, 3:31pm
Sorry to read you are having a rough time.  I usually do not get residual headaches along with a CH.  I do experience shadows for days at a time.  What amazes me about CH the most is the different ways the mutant bastard attacks people.  Once I think I have him figured out he blindsides me.
Hope you get PF soon.

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by clusterfok on Sep 10th, 2002, 10:59pm
Riaviagh, I know how you feel. I am new to all of you and have been writing in the newby page, but my ch's started 6 years ago. I thought I had a tumor, because surely nothing else could cause this pain, well it wasnt. Dealing with this b.s. is hard. I have thought many times that being 6 foot under sounded so much better than living like this, but fortunately I have a 4 year old and 4 month old girls. Sometimes they are the only thing I can focus on when the bastard comes around. I also have the shadow on the days I don't have the full blown deal, but somehow we manage to get through it. Clusterfok

Title: Re: who has a 2-4mo. headache w/CH cycles?
Post by riavaigh on Sep 11th, 2002, 4:30pm
Clusterfok- Thanks! I'm learning more about what's happening to me. I hadn't been to the doctor about my headaches in a while because it had been a year since I had a CH. Yesterday I learned that I'm one of those people who has a constant tension HA with migrane symptoms as well that never goes away. I take IBU for it but I'll only get 30 min. of minimal relief a day after taking over 1,000 ml. Since I've had stomach ulcers before I have to watch what I take so most of the time I have to suffer. But when I get a CH I feel like I wanna die. What's really bothering me is the blurred line across my left eye and the constant nausia.  It's like I'm having a mini migrane all fricken day everyday! WTF?
I too thought that I had a brain tumor yrs. ago but I don't.  Sometimes I just can't help but get mad and ask, "why me?" How much can one person take? My family has to deal w/my pain too. It's hard. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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