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   Jul-Sep 2003
(Moderator: DJ)
   Fubar-You were right!!!
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   Author  Topic: Fubar-You were right!!!  (Read 331 times)
New Board Hall of Famer


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Posts: 1067
Fubar-You were right!!!
« on: Sep 29th, 2003, 5:18pm »
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I finally got my Direct TV/Tivo this weekend and it is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!  Grin  LOVE IT!!
Got the NFL Sunday Ticket of course and when the 9ers were stinking up the field yesterday I was able to switch back & forth between the Titans, the Bills, and the Browns' games!  I was so excited!  Prior to getting this, I would've been stuck with no other games and just suffering w/ my 9ers. Cry
And Tivo??  Well, it's so cool I can hardly stand it!
Thanks to all who suggested Direct TV over Cable--the picture quality is unbelievable!
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The Clusterhead formerly known as 9erfan.
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