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(Moderator: DJ)
   It won't be long before elections!
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   Author  Topic: It won't be long before elections!  (Read 302 times)


It won't be long before elections!
« on: Sep 28th, 2003, 10:05pm »
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I know elections are coming up and hope when people run for office that it’s a clean election and not a back stabbing one. I hope people vote for the best of O.U.C.H. not for their best friend. I am fairly sure that’s why things are being brought out now. You can pretty much tell by the post who running and who isn’t running for something. Tearing up the people who have been in office is not the way to get my vote.  
To start with I have never had a problem posting on the O.U.C.H. board. I don’t take difference of opinions on the O.U.C.H. board personal. You have to separate friendship and O.U.C.H. stuff.  
You people elected them and only about 70 some odd people voted I think.
Now it’s the end of a term and the bitching starts. I don’t understand that. If you had concerns why wait till someone’s term is up to bitch. I think you guys should be thanking them for holding it all together wile you guys played on and took your breaks.
Run for office and play fair! If you are running for office Get a platform and run on it, but don’t start throwing stones now. I have not always agreed with things in O.U.C.H. but any one of the officers will tell you I voiced my Opinion. Right or wrong I voiced it. I didn’t wait till election time to do it.
A very smart man once told me! The loudest voices are not necessarily the best ones. The best ones are those who do the work without looking for the glory! I am not running for office so I can say these things.  
I hate to see this board tore up with rock throwing again. By the time elections get here everyone is so mad only a few vote.  
My dream has come true O.U.C.H. is here to stay and help for all of us is on its way. That was my dream. I thank each and everyone who has held it together for the last four years, officers, BOD and members and I will thank in advance the people who I know in the future will take O.U.C.H. beyond my wildest dream.  It will be a good thing if old and new will put egos away and work together! This dream I am sure is what you all dream of to.  
Smile be happy and Thank people for what they have done don't zoom in on the bad. I don't know one single perfect person.  
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Posts: 655
Re: It won't be long before elections!
« Reply #1 on: Sep 29th, 2003, 2:21am »
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I second that!
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There is a break in reality. Do not adjust your mind.
BarbaraD Alumnus
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Hugs to ya


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Re: It won't be long before elections!
« Reply #2 on: Sep 29th, 2003, 7:23am »
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I don't think there's any backstabbing going on - I think there are just questions being asked by members and that's a good thing. What I'm seeing is enthusiam and excitment for OUCH.  
Suggestions are being thrown on the Business Board every day. That's great!!! It means MEMBERS are interested.  
OUCH is NOT a big deep dark secret - it's a nonprofit organization getting recognition from the "Big BOys" now. We're growing every day and our BOD SHOULD get credit for that. We've come a LONG way in the last four years. A VERY long way from that garage in NY.  
Every member of OUCH Should be INTERESTED in WHAT OUCH is doing and where we are going. And NO we shouldn't just vote for our "friends" - We should look at qualifications (as you pointed out) and VOTE (can't figure out WHY members don't vote) for the BEST qualified candidate.  
Every MEMBER should NOT just belong to OUCH but be a PART of OUCH.  
As we said on the phone - not a one of us is ALWAYS right, but there's ALWAYS a solution that will benefit OUCH if we just talk it over.  
Hugs  BD
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