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   How to win a dispute with the ER
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How to win a dispute with the ER
« on: Sep 28th, 2003, 12:59pm »
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Folks, I used to work at a major hospital. My job was to track and record patient satisfaction surveys, which were given to all patients who had recieved care from my institution.
Hospitals have to endure a rigorous audit process - it used to be every 3 years - by an organization called the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations(JCAHO).  This review is intense and puts all in administration on edge, because without accreditation, it becomes difficult to get full qualifying insurance payments in addition to higher premiums for medical malpractice and liability.  It is a huge thing.
JCAHO covers training levels, infection control policies, human resources, and Patient Satisfaction.  Hospitals must address your concerns if you do things in the right way.  Most of the time, if they don't follow up, it is because they don't think you know the right avenues to really get them in trouble.
Here is my advice.  Write the CEO of the hospital, in as professional a letter form as you can.  Make sure the grammer is correct and the words are properly spelled.  Start out like this.......
Dear __________(CEO's name - can be found on the hospital's website, or brochures.)
I am writing conerning my visit to your Emergency room on ___________.  I came to your ER because_______________(it may be because it is a convenient location, it has a good reputation, etc.).  However, despite _______________, the care I received was not what I expected of a first class instituation.
Now explain briefly the time of arrival, the triage process, and the reason for the visit.  Then directly address the problem.
Close with this......
It is my understanding that your hospital participates in the Joint Accreditation of Healtcare Organizations Accreditation process.  It is my hope that you will follow up with all the parties involved in this problem quickly.  It concerns me that if I received this quality of care, that there may be others less fortunate than myself that have received the same or worse care.
By mentioning the JCAHO, they now know that you know, and JCAHO will hear your complaint if they do not follow up.  If you hear nothing, call JCAHO.  They have a website at
« Last Edit: Sep 28th, 2003, 1:00pm by RevDeFord » IP Logged

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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #1 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 1:06pm »
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NOW that's something that needs to go on our OUCH website .... We don't have to stand for BAD Treatment, but have to be albe to fight it in the RIGHT way to get results. This is great.  
The more information shared the better off we'll all be. Thanks Rev.
Hugs BD
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #2 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 1:17pm »
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Couldn't agree more Rev.
Last time I was mistreated at the ER, my wife (an RN) walked up to the physician and asked for the JCAHO number. She then asked to use his cell phone.
IGot appropriate pain treatment within 5 minutes.
Which reminds me.
« Last Edit: Sep 28th, 2003, 1:19pm by don » IP Logged
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #3 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 1:52pm »
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Wow Rev...
 This could prove to be invaluable to those of us (almost all of us) who have gotten less than quality care.  
Thank You
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #4 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 3:18pm »
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As someone who works for hospitals as a consultant now and one who worked for years  as a director of medical records, I can confirm everything the Rev has said.  Do nNOT stand for bad treatement.  If the hospital is NOT JCAHO accredited, which many aren't these days) they are reviewed and certified by their respective states and Medicare - other avenues to report it.
Jim R
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #5 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 3:21pm »
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Hey Don,
This might be something for OUCH to put a committee on - to get all this info together and get some form letters together and on the OUCH site for people who are mistreated and maybe we'll start getting something done about our treatment.  
It's something to work on.  
Hugs BD
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #6 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 6:00pm »
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You're rocking and a rolling Rev !!! Thanks !
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #7 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 6:20pm »
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JCAHO also requires all hospitals to give patients (before treatment, if possible, such as at ER Registration) a form titled Patients Rights.
It is a list of about 10 rights, such as being entitled to proper diagnosis and care.
Ask for yours and use it as a reference.
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #8 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 6:21pm »
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This might be something for OUCH to put a committee on

Sounds like the work for a Chapter. In fact NJ/PA is already working it.
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #9 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 6:40pm »
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good thread Rev......
  Now does anyone know a good way to lobby Med schoolsand/or the A.M.A.  for more training for doctors on CH? And it would also help the nursing departments to get some "In Service" briefings as well.
Former C.N.A. thinking too much,
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #10 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 7:00pm »
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Ramon........that's a great idea!  Medical and Nursing Schools next.
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #11 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 7:46pm »
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Hi Rev,
 Your suggested letter is almost exactly like the letter I wrote. I added that I had already filled out a "Quality of Incident" form as well, but would not pursue action against the hospital if they met my resolutions.
 (I even added quotes from their website from the "CEO message" and the hospital "Mission Statement"Wink
 I made it clear that it was not the hospital itself I had a problem with, but the treatment of a particular doctor.
 I would also suggest that should treatments like this happen to anyone, write down everything you can remember as soon as possible while it's still fresh in your memory. Stick to facts, and don't make assumptions. Keep anger out of the letter if possible (tough part) and be willing to resolve the matter personally to your satisfaction.
 Like the Rev says, if they know you understand your rights, and present them with that knowledge, but at the same time give them opportunity to correct the problem, quick results are more likely.
 The Rev had replied to my first post about my ER visit and had suggested this route to me, and even though this hospital isn't accredited (as far as I could find) with JCAHO, they knew who they were and I'm sure it was a key to the successful outcome.
 Great post Rev!
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #12 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 8:10pm »
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Ramon, this is exactly what the PA/NJ Ouch Group along with US Ouch is working on.  I was thrilled to be part of the meeting this week that this group had.  I think they have a bunch of good stuff in the works, but I am gonna give our Secretary and Pres a chance to post the details.  I wouldn't want to steal their thunder.
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Re: How to win a dispute with the ER
« Reply #13 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 8:16pm »
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Atta boy Rev.  
Great thread.  Not much has more effect that a well-organized letter....especially when edited for rants.  
Very helpful
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