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   Jul-Sep 2003
(Moderator: DJ)
   OUCH Want Ads
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   Author  Topic: OUCH Want Ads  (Read 324 times)


OUCH Want Ads
« on: Sep 28th, 2003, 11:31am »
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In the very near future OUCH will be soliciting resumes for some upcoming positions.
OUCH is full of energy right now and I'm hoping that will become contagious.
If you are looking to get active with OUCH just be a little more patient. New stuff coming soon. Get your resumes together.
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BarbaraD Alumnus
New Board Hall of Famer

Hugs to ya


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Posts: 5164
Re: OUCH Want Ads
« Reply #1 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 4:47pm »
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We've ALL got something to give..... Search your hearts and see what YOU can do to best HELP and then VOLUNTEER your talents where they'll be the most use to OUCH... That's the way we'll whip this demon....
At least that's how I feel.... and you know me ... I think everyone is entitled to my opinion....  Roll Eyes I'm working on getting out of my shyness.....
Hugs  BD
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What don't kill ya, Makes ya stonger!

New Board Hall of Famer

Yea, I can do this


Posts: 574
Re: OUCH Want Ads
« Reply #2 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 5:14pm »
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I've been trying to think of a way to help.  The want ads might give me an idea !!!!!  Thanks Don !
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One cannot step twice in the same river, for fresh waters are forever flowing around us.
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