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   Jul-Sep 2003
(Moderator: DJ)
   can i help
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   Author  Topic: can i help  (Read 291 times)
New Board Junior


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can i help
« on: Sep 28th, 2003, 3:24am »
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I have atemporary embarrassment of riches:
I recd a huge imitrex dosage as my cycle ended, their sitting in my fridge. I also have 2 refills. I'm Ch free now and normally wouldn't expect a cycle again until next yr.
O f course these are my meds and couldn't be shared but email me if theres anything you can think of that i could do to help.
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The sufferers of the worst pain that humans endure, are very rare. Their very real hopes for the relief of this pain lie almost completely with each other.

BarbaraD Alumnus
New Board Hall of Famer

Hugs to ya


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Re: can i help
« Reply #1 on: Sep 28th, 2003, 4:38am »
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I think you and I are the only ones still up tonight. I'm dancing and you're an insominiac (whooo did I spell that one right - I doubt that). Everyone else is PF and sleepin' in.  
Don't be surprised if you get a lot of e-mails with addresses telling you where to mail that trex. It gets scarce in the middle of a cycle. I never could take it - made my heart do funny things. Glad you're out of yours - always makes me happy when someone gets over this mess.  
But see, I have this PLAN -- I keep buying lottery tickets cause I'm gonna WIN the lottery and then I'm gonna make a huge donation to Dr. Goalsby who in turn is gonna find out what causes CH and then BINGO he's gonna come up with a CURE and we're all going to be PF. It's just that tonight wasn't the night - I didn't get NOT ONE BLAME NUMBER -- NOT A ONE!!!! Guess my head was hurting and I just wasn't concentrating right or something... Oh well - Wednesday night for sure...  
I really think this sleep depravation is getting to me. Better go get some more coffee.  
Hugs BD
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What don't kill ya, Makes ya stonger!

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