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   Jul-Sep 2003
(Moderator: DJ)
   Thank You All!
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   Author  Topic: Thank You All!  (Read 267 times)
New Board Newbie


Hang in There!


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Posts: 23
Thank You All!
« on: Sep 27th, 2003, 4:35pm »
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I want to say Thank you Kiss to all of you that have replied to me...I am terrified of this ailment for my husband. He was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago...My Doctor had no clue , he has been having these attacks for at least 4 years and we thought it was his sinus problems...but then the attacks would come the same time every year and the pain is getting worse & worse. We are in the experimental stages of different kinds of meds and let me tell you....its hard! I am hanging in there but I feel so helpless and up until this web site very alone.  Undecided Charlie put himself on here but he doesn't type very well, so I am kind of interacting for him. I just want to say to all of you, I can't really feel your actual pain because I am on the outside looking in, however what I see from this end scares the living crap out of me! Shocked Thank God I now have some place to go.....
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"The Trouble with Life is there is no backgound Music.....So Make some Music before its too Late!"
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Re: Thank You All!
« Reply #1 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 4:48pm »
Quote Quote Modify Modify a supporter too and I know what your going through so hang in there..., has your husband tried O2...? Read as much as you can and keep us posted....
PF vibes to Charlie...
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My own tears would mean nothing to me, if I could stop you from just shedding one....

Jackie Alumnus
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Re: Thank You All!
« Reply #2 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 5:50pm »
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Hi Chia....
My husband is a clusterhead too.
Cathy gave you a good and read and then study and read more.  There is a wealth of information here and on the OUCH site (button on the left).  Education is your best defense.
You will always find help with this group....they are always here to answer questions or share their experiences.
Good Luck
Jacks Cool
Oh...check your mail...
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Re: Thank You All!
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 7:35pm »
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   Howdy 'n' welcome ....(I din't get to properly welcome ya before). I had the same problem at the begining with the "Sinus" thing. much to learn here, many friends to make. You and Hubby are both welcome here. Nasty little club we joined....thing is I never remembered being asked if I wanted to join.....hrrmmmmm ??? Roll Eyes Undecided
  Although I can't make you understand how much this really hurts, I'm sure you know enough from watching your husband reel in the throes of the "cluster dance." The best way to help him is to be informed, and be there when he needs you.......does't make the pain go away but it helps to know sometimes that there is somebody out there willing to try. Don't know if you have been able to try some Oxygen but it helps many of us a great deal. Keep workin with the docs to find the meds that work and do your best to secure serenity.
Hope your husband finds relief soon...
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Re: Thank You All!
« Reply #4 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 7:54pm »
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Like Cerberus, I wasn't able to welcome you before but I'm doing it now ...

I'm a supporter too. There is no way that we can "know" what our cluster-mate is going through when he/she has an attack but we can see it and that is enough for me to know that mine is in extreme pain  Cry
The more we read about this "beast", the more we can help .. knowledge is Power! By coming here and reading, it has helped Christopher know about things as much as he has helped me in understanding what he is going through (if that makes any sense). There have been a few things that he has missed when reading that I had found that has helped him in finding help with the doctors.
Remember too, that there is a place just for us supporters to get support .. in the Supporters section. Thats where WE can vent, rant, rave about things without having to worry.  
Again, welcome and make yourself at home!
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You never know when love will knock on your door, when it does, embrace it and hold on to it forever!


Re: Thank You All!
« Reply #5 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 9:13pm »
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 Jackie asked me to give you this link-
 I sent it to you in a PM but she said your new to computers so I thought I'd post it here,we are there
right now,come on over,
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