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   ER !
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   Author  Topic: ER !  (Read 314 times)


ER !
« on: Sep 27th, 2003, 10:24am »
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Dave's post reminded me about this.
When I moved here I took all my medical records to the hospital I will be useing. I keep my own mediacl records here at home. I always get the doctor to write a summery of each visit! Some of them don't like it but they do it for me. I took all this to the hospital. They said they had never had anyone do this. They made me a flie. Now if I go its in my file what I need and who my doctors are ect... The lady that took my information said she wished everyone would do this. If I ever have to go to the ER I will let ya'll know how it worked. I figured it couldn't hurt.
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BarbaraD Alumnus
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Hugs to ya


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Re: ER !
« Reply #1 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 11:00am »
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Good idea Elaine -- I do this on Hubby Bill. I have a NOTEBOOK with all his lab tests, hospital records etc. Nice and Organized. Don't leave home without it.  
And you're right - they don't like to GIVE you the info, but THEY have to if you request it.... REQUEST it. Keep your own medical records. If you don't have them - get a request form, fill it out and mail it in for your records. They may give you a hassle, but PERSIST until you get them. It could save you a lot of time and useless tests later on.  
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Re: ER !
« Reply #2 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 12:13pm »
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Agree this is a good idea. At the time I went to the ER all I had was a list I had made up of every medication I had tried over the years and what type of reactions I had to each. Also on my paperwork was all information about anything I could think of they could use, including all the information they would need to fill out entry forms.
 We've finally got our medical records from my previous HMO doctor, it took us over a year of hassling them to finally get them. So yes, it might be a hassle, but I'd agree to get copies for yourself ahead of time, it could take a while. Except for this doctor at the ER, this type of info brought with me to the many doctors I'm seeing now they find very useful and certainly a time saver.
 Good advice Barb!
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Re: ER !
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 7:46pm »
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Did That, and STILL they had no freakin Idea what the hell a cluster headache was......labeled me a drug seeker anyway. Angry
  So.....I don't bother going to the ER anymore unless the GP tells me to go. Wink
Told him also that the neuro he referred me too was a worthless prick, and that I'd rather have him administer care unless its necessary for a specialists opinion on something. wasn't my total medical history, but enough of it and other assorted material, all relevant.
hypochondriac drug seeker,
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Re: ER !
« Reply #4 on: Sep 27th, 2003, 9:42pm »
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I've been to my local ER so many times that they all know me now. I don't need to take my history ... they all know it. I believe they've all had plenty of practice treating a cluster patient by now. I'm sure they've all learned a little from me too ! Oh well ... shit clusters happen !  Undecided
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