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   problems meeting people due to ch
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   Author  Topic: problems meeting people due to ch  (Read 1270 times)
New Board Newbie

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problems meeting people due to ch
« on: Dec 6th, 2007, 8:41am »
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hi everyone im jay new to ive had ch for about 10 yrs now i lost my partner of 10yrs and alot of friends due to not being able to go clubbing cos the temp would set of a ch attack /loud music / and cant drink on the pills felt like a outcast plus got a bit depressed cos of all the meds i tried till finally im on the imigran injections with verapamil tabs i now have my life back and im trying to get back into a normal kinda life and get my confidence back anyone else had the same problem and fancy a chat email me at  
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thomas Alumnus
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Re: problems meeting people due to ch
« Reply #1 on: Dec 6th, 2007, 10:49am »
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Hey there, welcome aboard.  I know just how you feel.  But this forum is usually checked for organized meets and such, I think you'll find a much better reception if you go to the "Getting to know ya" section and post an intro.  Glad you are not letting this thing get you down and are striving to make the best of life.  Grin
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Religion and sex are powerplays. Manipulate the people for the money they pay. Selling skin, selling God, the numbers look the same on their credit cards. Triptans cause rebounds. Learn it, believe it, live it. I use triptans as the absolute LAST RESORT when treating my CH.
New Board Newbie

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Re: problems meeting people due to ch
« Reply #2 on: Dec 6th, 2007, 10:56am »
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ok thomas thanks didnt realise i had posted in this section thanks for the heads up
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LeLimey Alumnus
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Re: problems meeting people due to ch
« Reply #3 on: Dec 6th, 2007, 11:26am »
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Jay check out the UK meet and greets thread.  You're more than welcome to come along if you like!
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The arsehole I'm divorcing needs to get a life and stop stalking mine

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