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   Info from Clusterbuster conference?
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   Author  Topic: Info from Clusterbuster conference?  (Read 1335 times)
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Info from Clusterbuster conference?
« on: Dec 2nd, 2007, 8:54pm »
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Heya folks,
Can someone who went to the second clusterbuster annual conference in Austin please fill us in on some of the research presented?  Any new insights on the mechanism of action or the like?  Is the Harvard study any closer to actually starting?
I confess, I only check this website/clusterbusters about once a year (generally whenever I'm starting an episode...the rest of the time I try to remain blissfully ignorant).  It looks like the clusterbuster "latest research" page hasn't been updated since the last time I checked 1 year ago, and I was wondering if there are any new developments.
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Re: Info from Clusterbuster conference?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 6th, 2007, 9:51pm »
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There should be a full report on the conference very soon. Keep an eye on the website and/or this site and you'll be updated.
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Re: Info from Clusterbuster conference?
« Reply #2 on: Dec 6th, 2007, 10:25pm »
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Thank you Bob,  
    I know that the full reports of these conferences take a lot of time to digest and put into a format for the masses to be able to view.   From what I hear the conference was a success and I will be PATIENT  in waiting for the report.
    Once more...thank you and everyone involved Bob.
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Re: Info from Clusterbuster conference?
« Reply #3 on: Dec 7th, 2007, 7:24pm »
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Wow, I was just looking for a quick summary...but a full report would be great!  I didn't mean to come across as impatient or anything... I very much look forward to reading it.
Thanks much for the effort...
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