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   Author  Topic: Smoking  (Read 534 times)
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« on: Oct 8th, 2004, 8:39am »
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alright im ready for the lectures but i want the truth about the effects of smoking and these headaches its bad enough to have them and then have drs and nurses tell you stop smoking  
Please just some advice on the effects and ill take some lectures
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #1 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 8:57am »
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Some people find that smoking a cigarette actually helps them deal with the ch.  Some people don't smoke at all.  Quitting would be beneficial to any one.  Just for the other health reasons.  It is your choice to smoke or not.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #2 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 8:59am »
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There is a very high percentage of people with CH that smoke. myself included.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #3 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 8:59am »
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thank youy thomas for your reply
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #4 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 9:01am »
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I am not saying that this is connected, but the only thing in my life that happened out of the ordinary when I first developed CH was that I quit smoking.  Today I believe that a cigar helps to alleviate the onset of CH.  Maybe there is a connection and maybe not, I don't know.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #5 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 9:03am »
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ty Karma  
 i feel like my husband is dealing with enough right now and im not going to henpeck him about his smokes i am concerned enough about his meds hes been going thru this episode sense july  been in the hospital and still has the headaches came home with verapamil 240 and lorazepan 1 mg and moraphine not happy with the moraphine
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #6 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 11:07am »
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I am not a smoker.  However, the other day, I was in the middle of a doozy.  A girl at work told me to smoke a cigarrette as fast as I could.  So I did; you'll try about anything...I actually smoked 3 cigarrettes as fast as I could.  I wanted to puke and die afterwards because of the sick feeling, but I was so high, and my head was so numb that the pain was aborted.  The sick feeling left rather quickly and was still better than the headache.  I did this for 2 weeks, on major CH's only...but it has stopped working.
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Redd Alumnus
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #7 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 11:17am »
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Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor in and of itself.  That is the reason that heavy smokers have circulatory problems in their hands and feet.  I'm a smoker and I know for myself that smoking certainly doesn't abort a full blown attack, but I know that when I'm shadowing very heavy I tend to smoke more heavily as well.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #8 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 11:54am »
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Hi Nancyt,
Your right, beating up your husband right now about the smokes is probably not a good idea.  
Morphine will probably knock him out but will do nothing for the pain. Pretty dangerous stuff if it gets out of hand.
Most people with CH will go way higher on the verap in order for it to work. It's not uncommon for it to not have any affect for a few days. Its a popular prevent with minimul consequences. Watch for changes in blood pressure and constipation.  
  Oxygen works for so many people that it may be worth a try.
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E-Double Alumnus
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #9 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 12:14pm »
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I was trying to quit as I went into much for that idea. Turned me into a chain smoker.  
What else are ya gonna do @ 3 am other than pace the streets in your slippers, slugging coffee, chain smoking, looking like a schitzophrenic.
As the cycle lets up or finishes I'll try again.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #10 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 1:12pm »
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on Oct 8th, 2004, 12:14pm, E-Double wrote:
What else are ya gonna do @ 3 am other than pace the streets in your slippers, slugging coffee, chain smoking, looking like a schitzophrenic.

Eric, LOL I told you to get out of my backyard Wink
I smoke  smokin
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #11 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 1:23pm »
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I find changing my routine in anyway can trigger a CH when Im in a cycle.  Like staying up to late, not eating a meal, etc.  I would say if you smoke, dont quit smoking during a cycle and if you dont smoke, dont start.  After a cycle has ended, thats when you can change your routine and not feel the beast's fury.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #12 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 2:24pm »
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You can harrass the heck out of him to quit smoking AFTER this cycle is over. We all know the "truth about the effects of smoking," but now isn't the time to beat such an addiction.
I'm a filthy smoker, too....
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #13 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 2:49pm »
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The nicotine may not be the main culprit - it isn't for most of the ill effects of smoking.  The tar is the truly evil part.  Maybe a switch to gum or lozenges would be relatively easy and beneficial.  
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #14 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 3:46pm »
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What else are ya gonna do @ 3 am other than pace the streets in your slippers, slugging coffee, chain smoking, looking like a schitzophrenic.  

Ring neighbors door bells and run.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #15 on: Oct 8th, 2004, 4:47pm »
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I love that Idea. At least that is something to do.
I smoke as well and found no help with or without during a HA. I just got results of my last MRI and no tumors... I expected them to see the Devil himself pushing on my eyeball and giving the doc the finger.
1 month on cycle still 2 a day and life sucks. I don't post alot because I really have no answers and I am getting more help than I could give right now.
I keep trying to figure out why. I hate that we have to be discussing this shit, but that I'm not alone in this keeps me sane.
I still would like to run down the street ringing doorbells.
PF wishes
Fellow smoking headbanger
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #16 on: Oct 9th, 2004, 1:52am »
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laugh laugh laugh
hoosierdaddy great post. keep writing laugh
i started a ech aug 26th  04'. was getting hit every  
night at bedtime and sept brought 2-a-days
sept 17th was the last day i smoked.  
sept 17th was the last day i seen the devil
that fri i got hit around midnight. imitrex inj.
got hit in the morning 7am. shot of imitrex.
i convinced my brain, the smoking part, that if i quit
smoking right now, cold turkey, this morning,
   the pain will go away.
the power of the brain.
i also made some changes in my diet that day.
i also made some changes in my meds. that day.
i cant tell you for sure that smoking or not  
smoking has any ties with ch's, but the smoking
part of my brain believes it.
every day i went without a HA reinforced the
notion that quiting was going to be the answer.
i can tell your for sure that if i would have had
a HA any time the first week i went without,
i would have started back up in a flash.
were all different, we have different HA"s
different cures, different meds, different bodys
i can't say for sure, but the power of that pain  
convinced my brain. so far so good.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #17 on: Oct 9th, 2004, 6:22am »
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I've never noticed my smoking had any effect on my attacks. Didn't make them less painful nor more painful.
But I'm only smoking as a diversion........I'm really trying to break a chronic gum chewing habit.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #18 on: Oct 9th, 2004, 8:01am »
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I am a smoker and I notice when I started my cycle this time I started smoking more and more.  When I get a CH in the middle of the night the only thing I can think is I need a cigarette.  I don't smoke in my house - always go outside - so I don' know if it the smoking or the cold air that makes mine a little better but I do know no one is taking my ciggies from me.  The hubby always says I am going to go to hell for smoking, well, I have CH's so I am already there, so I am not quitting!!!
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #19 on: Oct 19th, 2004, 1:25am »
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I started getting CH's when I was 14.  I started smoking when I was 17.  No connection - huh.  I stopped smoking just only 1 week and 2 days ago.  In the middle of a CH cycle.  I personally feel better and notice wonderful things like taste, and smell.
The big reason why I quit mid cycle is I would have 4 episodes in 24 hours after I was at the bar (hence I did most my smoking there).  I also head up team trivia at the bar and last wednesday night, I was not smoking or drinking, I hung out in a smokey bar for 2 and half hours and the next morning I started another 24 hours of episodes.  
Smoke has never triggered a headache before, but just smelling it, makes me think of a CH.  
I'll keep you all posted on how my CH's are doing now that I have quit mid-cycle.  Just one a day, when I wake up 15 min to 1-1/2 hours.  Kip 8-10.  I am serious when CH(ing), I got it bad.
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Re: Smoking
« Reply #20 on: Oct 19th, 2004, 2:36am »
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Well my doctor says becuase I smoke this is why I get CH...Well why the hell do other smokers NOT get CH I personally dont think it has anything to do with the issue, but all doctors are on the BAN Cigs movement and will tell you to quit smoking if your nose runs.. my biggest fear is that the smoking issue will raise its head in my medical files and its going to be another excuse for social security to deny me disability again. after 8 years misdiagnosed  and gone thro hell im just glad im on oxygen and can abort an attack and dont spend the 3 hours at a shot screaming my head off. And by the way when I go into an attack there is noway in hell im able to even get it together to even pick up a cigarette and smoke it...the only thing im capable of is sitting where i am and screaming...till it goes away.  and then I can get it together to light up[ CH is a is great....dont let it get to you....grit your teeth if you have to. it wont help but trying new things does inspire hope.]
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