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   Medications, Treatments, Therapies 2002
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   Author  Topic: "NEWS FLASH!!" I SLEPT LAST NIGHT!!!  (Read 1206 times)
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« on: Dec 20th, 2002, 7:44am »
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Cheesy Wanted to get this out as soon as I could! Noticed in the posts that some of you had taken a Dramamine prior to going to bed, with results. So what the hell, why not try it.  Took a of Dimenhydrinate(by Walgreens) around 10:00pm. At 12:30 I actually felt tired! Went to bed and woke up at 7;22!!! Just like a real human being!! My normal routine for the past 3 wks. has been to bed around 12;30, up with h/a by 2:00am, back to bed, and up with h/a around 4:30am.This has been like clockwork. Was just getting into my zombieish stage.Right now I'm taking 40mg. of prednisone, and 80mg. of Inderal a day.  Naturally I'm going to try the same routine tonight.  WHO NEEDS DR's ??????????
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