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   My method of pain relief.
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   Author  Topic: My method of pain relief.  (Read 1794 times)
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My method of pain relief.
« on: Dec 14th, 2002, 8:39am »
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Have just recently found this website and think its great!! I have been having CH's for about 20 yrs. I don't know if this will work for you, but if your like me your willing to try anything. Thus far the best way Iv'e found to attack the"beast" as you refer to it, is at the first sign, I take an ice cube and rub it over my face and head, and then stand in front of a fan. This will USUALLY cause the pain to dissiapate within 10 to 20 min. Of course if a #10 comes along even this might not help. Best of luck to you all.
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Re: My method of pain relief.
« Reply #1 on: Dec 14th, 2002, 10:22am »
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dodger - welcome to the board. Many have said cold air on the face works for them also. Tell us a bit more about yourself. We need new experiences and voices. Are you using any other meds? Oxygen? preventatives?
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Re: My method of pain relief.
« Reply #2 on: Dec 16th, 2002, 3:40pm »
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Hi !
I like ice too. I use soft ice packs. One that I apply on my upper neck and the othe one that I apply for a few seconds on my affected eye, cheek, forehead, top of the head and keep at it for a few minutes.
If I start soon enough, this may even abort an attack.
If the pain is too intense before I begin the application, I'll take an imitrex pill and keep icing myself until the pain goes away.
I have learned with time to stay away from heat during an attack. At first I found it conforting but realised it did'nt shorten an attack. Ice may seem painful at first but I believe it to be a lot more effective to shorten the attack and remove any afterpain.
Michel L
Quebec City
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Re: My method of pain relief.
« Reply #3 on: Dec 20th, 2002, 7:14pm »
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When my husband and I first came to the Message Board 2 years ago around this time of year.  I went into the chat room to ask about any method we hadnt heard of we were desperate... jonny was in there and he told me to tell Dave to go out to his car and turn the airconditioner on and put his face down by the vent and mind you this was Dec ... I thought he was certifiable... alot of people it does seem get relief from cold air blown onto their faces... LOL   good luck  ree
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Re: My method of pain relief.
« Reply #4 on: Dec 22nd, 2002, 7:12pm »
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I've had the CHA on/off since 1976 and I agree that cold usually can ease the pain a bit.  
Recently I've discovered a new "helper". I keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge. I pour a tall glass, take a sip and allow the cold water to go directly over my fillings/rear molars on the affected (left) side. You will only be able to hold the water there a few seconds before the pain is too great but if done repeatly it can "distract" the CHA pain.
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Re: My method of pain relief.
« Reply #5 on: Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:50am »
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I find it odd (and I guess you will too) but What works for me is the opposite of what works for you. At the first sign (and only then will it work for me) a hot bath with my head between my bent legs splashing water on my face.
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Re: My method of pain relief.
« Reply #6 on: Dec 23rd, 2002, 6:42am »
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No Headsoaker,I surely don't find it odd that heat works for you and not for others. If anything is universal about C.H.'s it is definitely not the treatments. This is definitely different strokes for different folks. On top of that, what works for you one time, may not work the next time. So we allways have to change our approach and method of attack.   Best of luck.
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