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   Magnesium connection
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   Author  Topic: Magnesium connection  (Read 258 times)
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Magnesium connection
« on: Sep 15th, 2002, 10:16am »
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Hello-I am relatively new to this site and up til now have only used the General Post message board. Decided to try this today after I stumbled across something accidentally.  I was searching for information on magnesium for another chronic ailment and I found links to clusters and migraines.  I came back here and did a search and found that there was some discussions on magnesium and its possible effect on ch's-but it was about 2 years ago.  None of the recent posts I have seen have mentioned this-I was wondering if any of you have tried it, discussed it with a doctor or whatever.  I am taking it for something else, but if it helps with this, it's a bonus.  It's difficult for me to determine if it is working for me because I am currently not having ch's.
Thanks-Jabeen Smiley Smiley Smiley
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OUCH member since 9/5/02


Re: Magnesium connection
« Reply #1 on: Sep 15th, 2002, 10:33am »
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Jabeen, get into the archives and search. This subject comes up regularly and a lot has been posted about it.
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