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   Advice on Meds
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   Author  Topic: Advice on Meds  (Read 294 times)


Advice on Meds
« on: Sep 7th, 2002, 8:05am »
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I have never been on preventive meds for my CH, many years ago they put me on procardia, didn't help.  I have a Dr. Appt. in a couple of days.  Could you give me some examples of preventive care that I could discuss with my doctor, I've only been interested in stopping the pain when I'm in it.  Didn't even know there was something that could possibly help prevent it.  Dealing with a clueless doctor, so would like to go in armed with as much info as possible.  Thank you all very much.
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Re: Advice on Meds
« Reply #1 on: Sep 7th, 2002, 8:35am »
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 I can only tell you what I have started since my Ch's came back.
 Tried prednisone - it lessened the severity and occurances but did not kick out the cycle so I started Verapamil yesterday. I started with 120 MG twice a day for a week and then will go back to have my BP checked on the 17th and have the dosage upped at then.
Chris L
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Re: Advice on Meds
« Reply #2 on: Sep 7th, 2002, 11:23am »
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Fine - I started Verapamil about two weeks ago and had sporatic success at 120 mg per day. The Doc upped the dose to 180 mg per day and as soon as I did, got hammered with four last night. The Vera has cut the intensity from very high to mid level on the Kip scale. And I am sure longer term it will kick the beasts butt.
There is some outstanding info available by clicking on the "medical info" button on the upper left of the sceen. Also visit the OUCH website (also to the left) and join up. OUCH is dedicated to finding a cure for these damn things and can use your support.
I would also ask your Doc for some Oxygen to help abort. It works for most of us, as you will find as you read through these posts.
I am sorry you have this damn horrid condition, but you found the best place for help and support.  
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Re: Advice on Meds
« Reply #3 on: Sep 7th, 2002, 12:21pm »
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Fine, bookmark this site, and print out the info to take to your doc...
Good Luck!
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Re: Advice on Meds
« Reply #4 on: Sep 8th, 2002, 1:51pm »
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I can't reccommend ever taking Prednisone but I notice many people are taking it on this site. That upsets me. I myself am new to the prevention idea but I'm not into having side affects so I too am looking for a drug to help me.
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