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   i'm going in for DHE
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   Author  Topic: i'm going in for DHE  (Read 664 times)
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i'm going in for DHE
« on: Jul 9th, 2002, 10:54am »
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signed myself up for a stay at the hospital thursday night. 4 days of DHE. hope it works. i'll keep you posted
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if any clusterheads in NYC want to get together shoot me an email
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Re: i'm going in for DHE
« Reply #1 on: Jul 9th, 2002, 11:04am »
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About three years ago, i went in for five days of DHE IV...worked the entire time I was in the hospital..begged the Doc not to make me go home..first time i had been pf in 14 months and was in school at the soon as I got out , I got hit..but then was put on verap and was pf...I do know some that got relief and stayed pf so I am praying for you...please keep us posted...smiles,nancyc
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Re: i'm going in for DHE
« Reply #2 on: Jul 9th, 2002, 12:56pm »
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Good luck Justin - DHE stopped my last cycle back in January 2002 and I've been PAIN FREE since!   ;D
Keep us posted.....
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