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   20 Minutes of Fame.. Any Updates?
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   Author  Topic: 20 Minutes of Fame.. Any Updates?  (Read 210 times)


20 Minutes of Fame.. Any Updates?
« on: Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:45pm »
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   I'm due for my 20 minutes of fame with my best Doc in a week. So with only 20 minutes, every second counts. I want to have all my puny little ducks in a row. He told me last appt. to do my research and come back with what I had.
    I've tried just about everything allready including Charlies technique, accupuncture, exercise, and most drugs. I plan to ask about two I haven't yet tried, Sandomigran and the new Relpax.
     So I was wondering if anyone besides Rodolfo has had a chance to try the Arricept yet? Nancy C?
     Has anyone ever tried the Human Growth Hormone treatment?
 Both make some sense to me, just want all the info I can get.
     Also has anyone heard of the Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide CGRP antagonist used as a pharmceutical? I hear alot about it as a possible headache drug but don't know if it exists as a drug for any treatment. My Doc might be willing to try it if it exists at all yet.
    Any updates  or info is greatly appreciated. Meanwhile I remain in bed and try to sleep as much as possible.
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Re: 20 Minutes of Fame.. Any Updates?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:52pm »
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I brought up Aricept recently and no one responded, so I guess not, at least that we are currently aware of.  You should print up the info and bring it to your doc.  I know Nancy told me her doctor forgot about trying it on her or something to that effect.  The lady is one of my heros, and I'd like to see some trials with this drug in case it might be able to help her, along with others for whom nothing has worked so far.  Good luck, keep us posted.
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