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   ch-your thyroid and marijuana
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   Author  Topic: ch-your thyroid and marijuana  (Read 561 times)


ch-your thyroid and marijuana
« on: Jun 27th, 2002, 12:08am »
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I was a chronic sufferer. I began getting them in 1994, and by 1995, 96, and 97, I was having them everyday 3, 4, and 5 a day! I was a mess! And when I wasn't having attacks I was left shell-shocked and in fear of the next one.
In 1998, I gave up on prescription meds, and I tried a number of them. Nothing was working. I was dying. And you know the feeling.
I started using marijuana to lessen the pain when I was having an attack and to use it otherwise to try and decrease the number of attacks I was having.
I am new to this site. I understand this runs contrary to opinion here. But, it worked for me. I kept a log and I had significantly fewer attacks and their severity was weakened.
So I had less attacks, and when I was having one, I attacked the pain. I would impact the pain with hits of pot, and sometimes even stop attacks dead in their tracks.  
The pot did a lot to lessen the number of attacks I was having and to help kill the pain when I was having one.
One other thing and I'll stop running my mouth:
In 2000, a doctor at the VA, immediately noticed somethings about me and told me I had hyper-thyroid. This was about the 8th doctor I had gone to see about the cluster headache pain.
Sure enough, they ran a thyroid scan and my thyroid was enlarged a bit. So they gave me the iodine-radiation treatment, and for the past year I rarely get attacks. I have maybe 2 or 3 a month sometimes not even that. And they're pretty managable.  
All I know is I endured, and I was in pretty bad shape.
I'm not saying everyone should start doing what I did, but I'm no longer in the chronic pain I was in.  
So my advice as a veteran cluster attack sufferer: It might be worth it to have the level of thyroid hormone in your blood tested and to see an endocrinologist. It made a big difference in my life.  
God bless  
« Last Edit: Jun 27th, 2002, 1:26am by josephg » IP Logged


Re: ch-your thyroid and marijuana
« Reply #1 on: Jun 29th, 2002, 6:52am »
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Hello Joseph,
some people here reported in the past about benefitting from thyroid medication. I am glad it worked for you.
On the marihuana, it is not so much current opinion, as findings:  most people report here that they get no relief at all from it.  
You must be one of the feww for whom it works.
Thanks for sharing.
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Re: ch-your thyroid and marijuana
« Reply #2 on: Jul 3rd, 2002, 6:20am »
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Hey Joe, glad you've found something that helps, but a word to others re: pot to treat.  We used recreational as kids, so last cycle hubby figured it was worth a shot.  BIG MISTAKE!!!  Can't give you a Kip level, but he says it made attack worse, much worse.
As to thyroid, his is normal.
Welcome, J., and keep coming - lots of great people and advice here.
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