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   Author  Topic: Re: Chiropractic Help  (Read 731 times)


Re: Chiropractic Help
« on: May 1st, 2002, 9:44am »
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Sadly welcome to this board!  
Your chiropractor's explanation is almost certainly not the right one, but let's be happy that you are one of the small group for whom chiropractice does something.
Do check out the info under the buttons to the left, there's a lot of knowledge gathered there, that may help you even more.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #1 on: May 1st, 2002, 10:43am »
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I am glad that you are getting some kind of relief through Chiropractic care.  Chiropractic make mine so much worse.  Within 5 minutes of leaving the office I am guaranteed to have a Kip8 or 9.  There are times when I have to go in because the curvature in my neck is reversed and there are times when sleeping wrong or whatever gets me in such a bind that in order to move I have to be adjusted.  I try really hard to avoid that situation.
There is a wealth of information here for the taking, Pam.  Take the quiz and read as much as you can.  Knowledge is the best defense!
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #2 on: May 1st, 2002, 10:56am »
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Hi Pam,
Glad to hear Chiropracter worked for ya.  On my long long long list of various treatments and doctors and techniques to treat ch, chiropractor resides with the "did not work" gang.  He has lots of company...LOL.  Continued success to you!
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #3 on: May 1st, 2002, 12:48pm »
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Thanks for the welcome.
I feel I need to make myself perfectly clear here however, from some of the posts I have read.  I might be a 'newbie' to posting on this site/board;  but am no 'newbie' to Cluster Headaches, nor to having been subjected to just about every test and/or treatment under the sun for them.  I have researched these demons for years now....YEARS.  
As for the poster who said that my Chiropractors answer was 'not the right one'.....All I can say to that is "if it works, use it".  I know that many people are against Chiropractic treatments....I however am not, and to each his own.  Why can it not be the right answer anyway?  Manipulating the spine into alignment can and has allowed blood flow and the oxygen that goes with it to 'flow' better throughout the body.......Again, and for the last time.......It works for me, and it might work for others.  Just because Imitrex doesn't work for all doesn't mean that it won't work for others.  As far as I am concerned there is NO expert on the subject of CH, nor any magic cure, and that sucks, doesn't it?
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #4 on: May 1st, 2002, 1:10pm »
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Pam, I don't believe that Ave was trying to upset you...I believe she was just voicing her opinion.  There are many ch patients who have been the victim of various "stunts" performed by docs.  For instance, my personal experience with a chiro. was not good - he asked me to lay on a table, he moved one of my ankles and then told me that my one leg grew 2 inches and that should solve my ch's......well it was just like Sweet said - a horrible ch attack!!   Angry
We all wish you well with whatever treatment works for you and we're glad that you shared this chiropractic success with us - it may help a fellow sufferer.....
Good luck to you,
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #5 on: May 1st, 2002, 1:41pm »
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Hello Pam
Congratulations that you can surf the net during an attack and find us.
I wont say anything about the chiropractic art in general.
If it helps you against your head pain, go for it, as you say (and ave said).
What I don't like at all, is a newbie who doesn't read attentively the replies she gets, but instead starts slamming in her 2nd post already one of the most caring ladies on this board Angry
So here is a translation in my own crude way: The explanation your chiropractor gives why his treatment is helping is plain and simply bullshit.  His medical knowledge must be on a par with that of our resident snake oil vendor Dannyboy. Embarassed
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #6 on: May 1st, 2002, 2:02pm »
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Ueli....."slammed" her?????
Boy do you have some nerve...with your filthy mouth who are you to talk?  Is it because you have been 'posting' on this board longer than I that you feel you have a right to talk to me the way you did?  
As for anyone slamming anyone, someone making a VERY broad statement that someone's doctor is 'wrong in what he/she says' is pretty much along the lines of slamming.  No one has any right to say who's doctor is wrong or right.  "I" put down my own personal experience, PERIOD.  
I read all of the 'etiquette' that is supposed to be attached to this board and its posters.....None of which (etiquette) you seem to possess.  
You want to 'brawl' it out here WILL NOT BAIT me into it.  My email addy. is posted.  You want to spew your filthy words and judgements at me?  You do it in a private email.
Perhaps YOU should use your surfing abbilities to look for some 'anger management' group.
OHHHH, AND HEY thanks for the "welcome" Ueli, it is everything that the 'new visitors' said it would be.
Nothing more to say on this subject.  Forget I even posted.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #7 on: May 1st, 2002, 2:50pm »
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Not everyone is going to agree with everyone else on this site.  And as I learned the hard way, if you stop for a moment and simply take the time to peruse through the posts and archives you will find that this group is an incredibly caring group of people.  That does not mean that we all have to agree.  There are many personalities represented here and sometimes we rub each other wrong.  You should not be upset that ave didn't agree with you or that I didn't or that Ueli didn't.  That treatment simply did not work for us.  You shouldn't go on attack mode simply because one of us disagreed with you.  I can guarantee if you attack one of the people that have been here a while, others will attack back.
Please take some time to get to know the people here before you write this site off as there is much knowledge to be gained and there is much comfort to be found when in need.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #8 on: May 1st, 2002, 3:00pm »
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Ohhhhhhh Jeez.....Thanks.  I am not writing off anyone on this site/board.  Of course not all opinions are of the same-on any topic....However, using profanity and saying what anyone says is B.S., whether it be a statement made by a Doctor or a poster, is childish and just plain wrong.
I do thank you for your posts here in reply to mine......Most of you do seem encouraging and helpful (i've been reading through many posts since last night).
As far as this subject is concerned however.....I think it should just be quelched (sp?) right now.  This is getting out of hand.
See you on other posts!
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #9 on: May 1st, 2002, 5:15pm »
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Oh Pam,
on May 1st, 2002, 9:29am, Pam wrote:

... He tells me that the adjustments allow the blood and oxygen to flow more freely to the 'site' of the pain....

  • What's the site of the pain in CH? Is it the specific part of the brain that interprets the pain signals or the nerve endings around the eye where the pain seems to originate or the site in between where the trigeminal nerve is pinched by an expanding blood vessel?
  • How can a more "free" flow of blood to any (or all) of the above mentioned sites have an influence on CH?
  • How can oxygen flow in your body? I've never heard about a tubing system that would be needed for this.
  • Can you give a reference that endorses the explanation of your chiropractor? If not, I stay with my opinion, this explanation is worth less than BS; the later can be used as fertilizer, the former serves only to rob the gullible.
  • When will you start learning to read? I nowhere compared you to Dannyboy, it was his medical knowledge that I compared to that of your chiro.
  • I nowhere said that chiropractic is BS, another imputation of Pam who cannot read. But for those interested in an independent view, here's a link:
  • Can you teach us how you can surf the net during a "hellish assault of pain in your right temple"? It would be very useful if we all could do something worthwhile during cluster attacks.  
  • Can you tell me why my quest for sound scientific reasoning makes me needing a "anger management group"?  
  • Quote: "You want to spew your filthy words and judgements at me?  You do it in a private email." But it's ok for Pam to do so on a public forum, some are more equal, LOL.
  • Are you coming from NYC? I hear that people there, at the slightest provocation, break into a outburst of foul language. I'm sure, you know a filthy mouth from looking into a mirror.
  • I'm am not afraid of your threats, go ahead. ;D  Maybe you can team up with Jayne_S, another newbie, that judging from her language must come from the same place as you.  
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #10 on: May 1st, 2002, 6:12pm »
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Can you teach us how you can surf the net during a "hellish assault of pain in your right temple"? It would be very useful if we all could do something worthwhile during cluster attacks.  
Well started this way.....I woke up with horrible pain in my temple....I then went downstairs where I smashed my head into the side wall of my kitchen....then I started to REALLY cry wishing my pain would just AT THE VERY LEAST subside somewhat, that I wouldn't have to suffer anylonger.......Then I went into my living room where the p.c. is on pretty much 24/7....I either pace or try to 'fight' through the pain most of the time....I try to distract myself from the pain....I decided to try to find some more info on the pain on the net....I found this (other then you) helpful site where most of the posters seem to genuinely care for others....and I started reading.....................I have a fair amount of pain in my right temple right now as well, I have even learned how to SUFFER through the pain while giving my baby a bath, who will if not me?
As for my chiropractors statements.....First off....again, I will ask you, do you have a Med. Degree of any kind, or just THINK yourself to be God?  Second...hey, give him a call....his name is Edward Kramer number is 908 362-9522, I am SURE he would love to discuss how OXYGEN flows within the blood to different parts of the body....
I read just fine, and as I stated before you are a jerk, like a bully on the playground.......Are there any OTHER people you would like to belittle on here besides myself and the others you have mentioned that seem to be beneath you?
Why don't you just, plain and simply, leave me alone...and YES YOUR language towards me was foul and offensive.....P E R I O D.
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Linda T
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #11 on: May 1st, 2002, 7:49pm »
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Hey Ueli:
"Are you coming from NYC? I hear that people there, at the slightest provocation, break into a outburst of foul language."  
I'm a NYC'er!  I resent that remark LOL Wink
PFDAN always, Linda T
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #12 on: May 1st, 2002, 9:40pm »
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Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion whether it is right or wrong.
In this string,
Ueli's right!
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #13 on: May 1st, 2002, 9:56pm »
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Bob G:  Soooooooooooo, chiro's are full a shit and NYers have filthy fu---n trble langage skills .............(that Ueli is a Real Genius Cheesy) And to think I was gonna run down the road nekked for ya!  Oh...............whatawoyld................ Wink
BoinG- there goes anudda coffee cup......................... ;D
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #14 on: May 1st, 2002, 10:25pm »
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Sorry Linda if I offended you  Shocked
It must be true, from hear say one learns lying  Angry
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #15 on: May 1st, 2002, 10:40pm »
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Respect speaks sometimes with a forked tongue...and of course a worped mind. Roll Eyes  I have a cat AND a dog...neither bites.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #16 on: May 1st, 2002, 11:14pm »
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I was refering to the chiropractor part of Ueli's post.
Why? click on this  
I have no idea how New yorkers speak, nice or vulgar or nice and vulgar. Sorry I wasn't more clear.
Stay naked and shut up.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #17 on: May 2nd, 2002, 8:43am »
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Don't forget, we have a chiropractor on the OUCH BoD, Doug Wright.  He's never once claimed he can stop his clusters with chiro.  If he could, he wouldn't be here.
Chiro has it's place, it's sure made my lower back feel better, but treating CH is probably not an area it shines in.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #18 on: May 2nd, 2002, 9:32am »
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So what you are all saying is that my Chiropractor HASN'T helped me with my CH's and he is a 'quack'....???  I suppose I imagine that the pain seems to get better after he adjusts me.  I suppose that the other people in his office that go to him for headaches in general and have said he has helped him are all lying fools too, yes?
You are darn right here...everyone is intitled to his/her own opinion....My Chiropractor does help me, and I thank the Powers That Be that he can help with some of this pain.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #19 on: May 2nd, 2002, 9:35am »
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I just finished watching a program on CTV canada last week transcripts are available at CTV news .com click on, w five. chiropractic manipulation of the neck area. this will get you thinking twice about chiropractic care for headache.
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Margi Alumnus
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #20 on: May 2nd, 2002, 9:43am »
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I'm really glad chiropractic is giving you some relief.  All folks are trying to tell you is that you are definitely NOT in the norm, in that regard.  It doesn't work for most folks.  Just as there are lots of folks the water treatment does nothing for.  And the shroom treatment.  
Chiropractic has been discussed here ad nauseum for YEARS and we've even had a few not-so-honest chiropractors come to the board claiming they have THE cure for cluster headaches.  There IS no cure.  There have been LOTS of arguments here as to the worthiness of this treatment, so you really pushed a hot button when you arrived here, without knowing it.
Ueli has done a LOT of work for the research into different treatments and he really DOES know a lot about cluster headaches.  He is one of our resident watchdogs, in that regard.  Always on the lookout for snakeoil salesmen (and believe me, we've had LOTS of them). Ueli is one of the ones that sticks around here, whether he is in cycle or not - just helping folks out.  He doesn't have to do that.  But he does.  That, in itself, speaks volumes of his character.  
Yes, sometimes people swear here.  It's allowed.  Our webmaster, DJ, swears too.  We all swear, Pam.  Sufferers and supporters alike.  Because cluster headaches f-ing HURT.  
A few years back, a Grammar Cop tried to clean us up, but that didn't work either.
So, my advice to you is to rejoice that you are finding some relief - we all celebrate that with you, trust me.  No one here wants you to feel the pain you're feeling.  Just remember, you're not the only one in pain here and confrontation is only going to make it worse for everyone.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #21 on: May 2nd, 2002, 10:44am »
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I'd guess it's effective for cervicogenic headaches which sometimes present with the same symptoms as CH.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #22 on: May 2nd, 2002, 5:59pm »
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"I" do rejoice at the fact that my Chiropractor does give me some relief from my CH's.  Some of you, however, because you don't believe so strongly in something seem not to be happy that I AM receiving help that eleviates some of the very bad pain that I get from my constant on/off CH's.  I am no Chiropractor, nor do I claim to be.  The fact of the matter here is that the manipulations that mine do to my neck bring me some relief....PERIOD.  I have attacked no one on this board or any other board for that matter.  I was told flat out by alot of posters that 'it just can't be!!', when it is!
As for this Ueli man and the swearing (which I have read in other posts) is concerned, I am no 'proper policeman', go on and swear....I don't care.  But you should not direct abusive words at someone (you see none of you read what was said to me in a 'message' I had waiting for me here yesterday).  When you directly call someone a belittling name and tell them they are full of bullshit, it is deliquent and just plain NOT NICE.  Saying "the pain really fucking hurts" is that harming isn't.....Get my meaning here.
As I said before some of you are attacking me and it is just wrong, I stand fast that Chiropractic care is THE ONLY thing that has ever helped me with my CH's....I also want to say thank you to the many of you who wrote to my email and 'rejoiced' with me and welcomed me here....."thank you".
I also do and have done plenty of research on Cluster Headaches myself, and on Mixed Glioma tumors of the brain.....That does not make me an expert on either subject, nor does it give me the priviledge to tell someone that their method of getting pain relief is "bullshit".   If I see that someone is getting relief from something/someone for these horrible headaches, I say KUDOS to them, and I hope they keep it up.
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #23 on: May 2nd, 2002, 7:13pm »
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Alright... I think we all need to take a deep breath, and go back to our respective corners.  Just cool down a bit.
Pam... I'm not going to take sides here, but I do want to point out a few things.  I don't think anyone started off to belittle you, your chiropractor, or your treatment.  I think Ave was only trying to explain that she didn't necessarily believe the exact explaination that your chiropractor gave, but that didn't mean she didn't believe that it worked for you.  Your post directed towards Ave did appear a bit harsh, and I can see where it ruffled a few feathers.  Mayhaps Ueli's post may have been a bit out of line, but you gotta remember that this board is really a volitile mixture, CH and strong opinions on certain subjects related to CH.  I know that I personally will go off on someone suddenly in real life, and it's probably just a matter of time before I do it on here as well.  Luckily I haven't done that yet.  
All I'm trying to say, is that sometimes we all have to accept the comments of others, and not try to take them so personally.  I think the last thing any of us need is a flame war.  We are all on the same boat, and we'll get things done quicker if we all try to work together.
I will now step down from my soap box and shut up before I say something really stupid.  And I hope you find PFDAN again real soon Pam, and the rest of you.  Smiley
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Re: Chiropractic Help
« Reply #24 on: May 2nd, 2002, 9:52pm »
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Ya know, I was gonna post something....but I think there is no point.
Can't we all play nice together?
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