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   Author  Topic: Phenergan  (Read 283 times)
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Posts: 22
« on: Nov 7th, 2007, 4:56pm »
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 I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of or tried using Phenergan to help kill the beast?  I'm in the middle of a cycle with no end in site, and I've just been staring at my medicine cabinet wondering "Is there anything else in there to help?"  As I know  that it is sometimes used for pain I was wondering if anyone's ever used it for a CH and if so how much to use?
thanks for any help.
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Re: Phenergan
« Reply #1 on: Nov 7th, 2007, 9:26pm »
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I use Phenergan for nausea associated with some of the worst of my hits.  It is not helpful (for me) for pain unless it's used with a narcotic pain reliever.
It potentiates (makes stronger) narcotics.
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