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   Perscription filled - what now ?
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   Author  Topic: Perscription filled - what now ?  (Read 359 times)
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Perscription filled - what now ?
« on: Nov 5th, 2007, 3:58pm »
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Got Topamax as well as a steroid taper today.  
The idea is to ramp UP on Topamax whilst ramping DOWN on Neurontin that I'm currently taking 2400mg of.
Neurontin gives NO relief presently.
When do I start with the taper ? Straightaway?
My Dr unfortunately is no expert on the subject , thus my asking... Undecided
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Brew Alumnus
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Re: Perscription filled - what now ?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 5th, 2007, 4:44pm »
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Your doctor is no expert on the subject? Wow.
I think I'd be looking for a new doctor. He's the one who's supposed to be an expert.
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Re: Perscription filled - what now ?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 5th, 2007, 5:45pm »
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I've never taken either of your meds, I use lithium as a prevent. When I do a pred taper I start it right away while my lithium ramps up. But I have never been on one med that I was coming off while starting another. (Damn that even sounded confusing to me!!!)
What I mean is, I have no idea if there are drug interactions between what you're currently on and prednisone. Call your doctor and find out. If there aren't any I'd start the prednisone right away.
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Re: Perscription filled - what now ?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 5th, 2007, 7:08pm »
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  I've found that pharmacists generally know more about the meds than doctors do. If you can't get ahold of your doctor, or if he doesn't know, try talking to the pharmacist that filled the scripts. He'll probably be able to give you the answer you need.
Best wishes,
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Re: Perscription filled - what now ?
« Reply #4 on: Nov 5th, 2007, 10:15pm »
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Start the Pred. It begins to act within hours to abort the attacks  while the other med (taken at the same time) is more slowly starting to work.
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Bob Johnson
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