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   Anyone tried ButterBur Extract?
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   Author  Topic: Anyone tried ButterBur Extract?  (Read 840 times)
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Anyone tried ButterBur Extract?
« on: Oct 25th, 2007, 10:07am »
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Has anyone tried Butterbur Extract?  It is the main ingredient in Migravent, which I have started to take.  It sounds helpful as they state:
“…reduce spasms in cerebral blood vessels and inhibit the production of leukotriens, compounds that trigger inflammation of blood vessels.  Butterbur extract is known to have a spasmolytic effect. This means that it reduces spontaneous activity and spasms in the smooth muscular system, including the vascular walls. “
Migravent also contains some supplements that I have heard others taking: B2, Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10.  I understand that Magnesium can cause diarrhea so I hope I can stop taking stool softener and fiber to counteract the Verapimil.
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Jill Alumnus
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Re: Anyone tried ButterBur Extract?
« Reply #1 on: Oct 25th, 2007, 11:18am »
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Hi BillyJoe...
My neurologist suggested Butterbur for me to try and he said that some of his patients had good results from it. Couldn't hurt to try..
He did warn me to be careful if it contained Feverfew though as that can cause rebound headaches. Just thought that I would pass that advice along.  
I hope that it works for you.  
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