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   Author  Topic: 02 treatment in UK  (Read 706 times)
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02 treatment in UK
« on: Sep 28th, 2007, 5:58am »
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Hello Folks,
This morning I had a dr's app to inform them of the outcome with the neuro. I was feeling positive and ready to start a course of something to help me feel better.
My doc told me this morning that there has been a report in the Drugs and Therapeutic Bulletin (a part of the Which? group) about the fact that there is a lack of evidence supporting the use of o2 in taming ch attacks. He was insisting that it's not worth a go etc...  
Based on what I've read here, I didn't really take much heed and still insisted that it's provided for me to try. Hurrah, it's on it's way!
This bulletin thing is now owned by the British Medical Journal. Potentially, this could go either way, but it could be beneficial for us as maybe some clinical trials will actually take place now on the treatments of ch.
I've tried searching for this particular paper, but had no luck.
Is this something anyone else has come across before?
PS - My doc also slammed the use of indomethacin and recommended that if it didn't work I try something called pizotifen. Anyone tried this?
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aloneuk Alumnus
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Re: 02 treatment in UK
« Reply #1 on: Sep 28th, 2007, 6:21am »
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im glad you dug your heels in about o2,  
theres many people here that are living proof that o2 works !  
im trying to search for the bulletin atm ill let you know what i find,
pizotifen is a new one to me, have a look at
pf wishes  
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Re: 02 treatment in UK
« Reply #2 on: Sep 28th, 2007, 7:50am »
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I have managed to find the abstract of the article your Dr was talking about,
As i dont have acess to the full article i am unsure how it will affect CHers in the UK, but i am in the process of trying to find out.
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Re: 02 treatment in UK
« Reply #3 on: Sep 28th, 2007, 6:38pm »
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I'm not from The UK, but ABSOLUTELY 02 works!!!
 I cant believe a professional Doctor would not know this information. However, there are Docs here who dont know either.  
When I first tried it, I had absolutely NO preconceived notions whether it would work or not!!!
 I simply tried it, and it DID work...flawlessly!!
 I have been using it ever since and I'm living proof it DOES work.
 Glad you have some on it's way !! I hope you get the relief I have gotten from 02
Cheers, Dave
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O2 and clusterbusters - naturally


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Re: 02 treatment in UK
« Reply #4 on: Oct 2nd, 2007, 7:41pm »
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I was prescribed Pizotifen by my GP, along with Maxalt melts a few years back.
IMHO it's utterly useless - a bog standard solution pulled at random from the BNFL (the doctor's prescribing handbook).
The side effects were untenable, listless, screwed up short term memory, made me even more stupid and unable to walk past any carbohydrate food source with having to attempt  eating industrial quantities of it.
Loaves of bread got consumed.  And it did bugger all for my CH.  
At least Maxalt melts (the ones that dissolve under the tongue) which you can't have too many of (really bad for health) did stop more headaches than it didn't.
Unfortunately one it didn't stop was the first time CH made me scream and head bang the wall.  Never taken it since.
What you need from the GP is a Hoof form - (stands for home oxygen order form I think)  then an Oxygen supplier will be at your beck and call to deliver as much O2 direct to your home often at 24 hour notice.  Air products supply mine and the service is fantastic in the North West.
Incidentally check Ben's post - the Daily Mail ran some research from a London clinic (Oct 2nd) outlining that O2 was the single most effective treatment.
Try alternatives before Pizotifen (google it or look at - seems a few have have had similar issues)
All the best and good luck
« Last Edit: Oct 2nd, 2007, 7:53pm by Beastfodder » IP Logged

O2 and clusterbusters - naturally
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