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   Author  Topic: ambien  (Read 385 times)
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« on: Sep 27th, 2007, 10:57pm »
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first time post....was CH free for two years , they're baaaack ambien worked for me last time, I just took a pill before bedtime, and slept like a baby til morning. My problem now is the beast is showing up about 2 hours before bedtime. Trying a industrial magnet, heard it might help, not much luck.....
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Guiseppi Alumnus
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Re: ambien
« Reply #1 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 11:11pm »
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Not sure how a magnet would help, I've never tried it.
Get oxygen to abort your headaches, read the link on your left for correct usage. Get a decent preventative medicine...something that will lessen the frequency and intensity of your attacks..., many to choose from, some of the more common are lithium, verapamil and no particular order.......
If you're getting hit after you fall asleep melatonin seems to help a lot of people, If you're getting hit while you're awake, try slamming an energy drink containing caffeine and taurine, monster, rock star etc. Many can abort by slamming one of those at the onset. You have lots of reading to do...welcome to the board!!!!
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Why are all sensors, seeking intelligent life, pointed AWAY from earth?
New Board Newbie


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Posts: 3
Re: ambien
« Reply #2 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 11:14pm »
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tried verapamil & zomig.......seemed to make them more frequent
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Guiseppi Alumnus
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Re: ambien
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 11:34pm »
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Lithium has been my most effective prevent. I'm 47, male, weigh about 190, I use 1200 mg a day of lithium when on cycle, takes about 2 weeks to build up enough in my system to really get effective for me. I typically cycle 2x a year, 8-12 week cycles.  Might be worth a shot, can't emphasize the 02 enough...been a life saver for me...not to mention a sanity saver!!
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Why are all sensors, seeking intelligent life, pointed AWAY from earth?
Linda_Howell Alumnus
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Re: ambien
« Reply #4 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 11:46pm »
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   You could give me 10 Ambian and Cluster HA's would bleed right through the fog.  
 Industrial magnets?
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Re: ambien
« Reply #5 on: Sep 28th, 2007, 5:28pm »
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My OB Dr prescribed this to me when I was pregnant thinking I guess if I was "really" out then I wouldn't get them. It really did nothing to help CH for me. I ended that experiment shortly after sharting because of side effects during pregnacy but if it works for you great.  
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