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   Author  Topic: Aleve Rebounds?  (Read 325 times)
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Aleve Rebounds?
« on: Sep 26th, 2007, 10:04pm »
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Has anyone experienced rebound headaches from cold medicine?  I've been taking Aleve for 3 days now and I got a killer headache(not CH) on my non CH side and teeth.  The pain in the teeth is not on a specific tooth, but on the same side.  I recently went to the dentist and don't have any teeth problem.  This hurts and is keeping me from sleeping.  
Any remedies for rebound headaches besides stop pain meds?  I don't usually take any but this is a bad cold and I have a customer visit in France.  BTW, no CH on the plane!
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BMoneeTheMoneeMan Alumnus
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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #1 on: Sep 26th, 2007, 10:55pm »
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no pain meds are ok for me.  whether it's tylonol or percodan.  U might want to try to take half the dose twice as often, see if that helps.  also might wanna drink some coffee for the caffeine
eta: half the dose of the cold med I mean
« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2007, 10:57pm by BMoneeTheMoneeMan » IP Logged

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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #2 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 1:57am »
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I am not  a Doctor but it sounds to me like a trigeminal neuralgia or temporomandibular pain, I get pain there also but I believe is because I grind my teeth when I sleep from time to time, check this info to see if this is what you maybe suffering.. ticle_em.htm cle_em.htm
whenever I get this type of pain I take a Doloneurobion (an analgesic, antinflammatory with some B vitamins) and usually takes the pain away .
Hope this helps a little...
                                              Good Luck!
« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2007, 2:04am by Rosybabe » IP Logged

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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 8:45am »
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It's possible that the overuse of cold meds can lead to the body rebounding--overproducing nasal/sinus drainage. This is not associated with CH, per se. (Years ago, before the danger was understood, I've known people who, overusing nasal sprays for congestion, had holes eroded in their nasal septum. OCT doesn't always mean benign!)
IF you have rebound headaches of any type because of the overuse of pain meds, then stopping them is both diagnostic & and cure.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #4 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 10:46am »
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I've never had rebounds from naproxem sodium (aleve).  Of course, anything can happen when you take more than the dosage recommendation on the bottle. Undecided
You say you are taking the cold medicine, have you been check for a sinus infection or a cyst in your sinuses??  That has happened to me in the past, where I had a very large cyst in my sinuses causing nasty headaches (along with my ch's as the sinus problem triggered an episode).
Take care!
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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #5 on: Sep 27th, 2007, 1:12pm »
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Thanks for all your posts!  Unfortunately, I may have to deal with this for a week until I get back.  I thinking this is not rebounds but possible a sinus problem or a real tooth problem.
The ironic part is I have been sleeping through the night for the last month finally after 5 months of nighttime CHs.  Now this is keeping me up. Can't win.  Don't imagine Imitrex would help Grin
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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #6 on: Oct 4th, 2007, 5:14pm »
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Now that I'm back in the states, it turns out I had a dead tooth on my upper left side.  I need a root canal and then a crown$$$.  My dentist tells me it is common for this pain to increase when you go to sleep as the blood flows to your head better.  Also, being a tooth on the upper bridge, the nerves in this tooth can cause temple headaches.  
Just my luck, I guess , it started after an international air flight.  Funny thing is I was worried about CH on a plane and I got root decay pain on the plane.   Smiley CH's were no problem on the plane, but the time change messed up my preventative schedule a bit.
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Re: Aleve Rebounds?
« Reply #7 on: Oct 4th, 2007, 6:32pm »
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Glad the problem is something that can be solved easily (well, sorta).
Take care!
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