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   Want Medicare Comments re CH
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   Author  Topic: Want Medicare Comments re CH  (Read 263 times)
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  lastchantsranch   babbleontn

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Posts: 690
Want Medicare Comments re CH
« on: Sep 19th, 2007, 5:05pm »
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 Hi all and wishing PF days for everyone.
  Tomorrow I have an interview with a professional interviewer re Medicare (I have been disabled since 81' . . not CH related)
  While I personally have comments both negative and positive to report concerning my various medical ills over the years, I thought this might be a good opportunity to make someone, somewhere in the huge organization that is Medicare  
more aware of CH.
SO . . . This is your opportunity to vent.  My interviewer will be here tomorrow at 11:00.  Considering the responses (please be serious), it is my intention to copy the thread and provide same for their consideration.
  Be Safe,   PFDANs
  PS:   that's 11:00 a.m. central time
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I can live with the beast as long as I don't have to "dance" with the bastard.
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Re: Want Medicare Comments re CH
« Reply #1 on: Sep 19th, 2007, 6:05pm »
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I would be very interested in knowing what meds and treatments Medicare covers and what they don't. I may need to be using Medicare soon. Is O2 therapy covered? I've been under the impression they don't cover it, but would like to know for sure. How about narcotic pain meds? I haven't found anything to help as a prevent, or abortive other than O2, so when O2 fails I use Stadol nasal spray to dull the pain a bit. (not much... but it helps a little 'til the beast goes away)
I'll be watching this post for q's and a's too. Thanks for bringing it up! Good luck to you!
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  lastchantsranch   babbleontn

Gender: male
Posts: 690
Re: Want Medicare Comments re CH
« Reply #2 on: Sep 19th, 2007, 6:47pm »
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Hi Adam
  It's my understanding that Medicare only covers 02 if you have low blood/oxygen levels . . . last time mine was checked, it was better than the (twentyish) nurse who checked it.
  I have a copy of a "certificate of medical necessity", which I believe I got here, but have not completed or submitted . . . . I assume it requires the signature of a neurologist.  Fortunately, I have had a mostly PF spring/summer (don't know why . . . not asking . .  . just grateful).  The last bad bout I had was from early Nov thru Jan . . . I keep 10 "E" tanks ($10 ea), and when in a bad cycle may use 8-10 per week.   If HE comes back in force . . . I'll be getting that form signed.
  Be Safe,   PFDANs
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I can live with the beast as long as I don't have to "dance" with the bastard.
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