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   Author  Topic: Psilocybin  (Read 1655 times)
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« on: Mar 19th, 2007, 4:17pm »
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Hey long time no write.  
I got a question; I am at the end of my cycle now, but am getting ready to try something new at the start of my next cycle in about a year. Does anybody here take offence if I say that I am willing to try Psilocybin or something similiar to try an better my condition? I was on another forum where they actually smacked the LAW in my face for even stating something like that. Got all hollier than thou and shit. Like I give a rats ass! Just wanted to get some feedback from them but no; We like Imitrex and all the other shit we use to keep the beast at bay. Tried to explain how that wears on the body, but they mean that just school medicine is what does the trick Shocked Needless to say.. am sticking with Wink
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #1 on: Mar 19th, 2007, 4:48pm »
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Welcome, Max
People might take offense to those who seem be out to sell illegal drugs or just to get high.  
No one will take offense or call the law for talking about psilocybin for clusterheadaches here.  
In fact there used to be quite a few threads on the topic, but lately the attention has shifted to LSA  Rivea corymbosa and Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose seeds. (works almost as well as psilocybin, imho)
But pleae, feel free to discuss, ask advice, report your experiences, rant and rave, as you like.
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #2 on: Mar 19th, 2007, 4:55pm »
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Nah the board I mentioned was for clusterheadaches spesifics, and they reacted like I was a criminal; I.e we don't want posts that discusses substances that are illegal blah blah blah. So they fucking closed the thread. I don't care about it really, I'll just stop being in that forum. I don't have the time or the energy for sour stumached ppl.
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #3 on: Mar 19th, 2007, 5:46pm »
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hey, If it is something that will take the pain away, it is welcome!! Grin
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #4 on: Mar 19th, 2007, 7:45pm »
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I think most of us know the site you are talking about.  They have their own set of idiosyncrasies, but they also do a lot of good.
Another site you should look into is  That site is MOSTLY about alternative methods of dealing with the beast.
Good luck, and keep us informed as to how you are doing, and how they work for you.
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #5 on: Mar 19th, 2007, 11:01pm »
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Just a supportive flag...if it works well, it works.
Don't know myself but after a lot of years with nothing...I am worn out with nothing.  So, I am about try everything.  Actually, it is the traditional meds that scare me.  Mostly because of the doctors forgoeing close scruitiny over individual medical conditions and the like.  So, good luck.
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #6 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 3:26am »
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It seems that many do not want to know, may be because of its other properties but psilocybin/psilocyn are one of the most potents compounds against CH, I myself a chronic CH using it for the last 2 years with excelent results (1 dose every 4 months)
Best wishes Blue brain
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brian trudeau
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #7 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 6:02am »
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I tried some shrooms back in November and have to say I have been PF since. I was having a bad year with CH's in 2006 and was at wits end so started reserching every method possible to stop them. Got ahold of Dr. Seawell at Harvard Medical and filled out some surveys and had a friend of mine hook me up with the shrooms. I debated about doing them for  awhile but figured it could be no worse than the meds my neuro was feeding me over the years (Inderal, topamax, depakote, toradol, etc) all not causing them to end.  I will keep everyone posted since seasons change were usually a trigger for me and tomorrow is the first day of spring. I am hoping the shrooms will work for me and keep me pain free for up to a year. I suggest trying them if you have tried everything else and nothing else works. The worst that will happen is you will laugh for a couple of hours and they do taste like crap.
Best of luck
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #8 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 6:17am »
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Hi Brian – great to hear of your success.  Have you considered a maintenance dose?  Anecdotal evidence suggests that psilocybin is much better used as a preventative measure compared with stopping even an early established cycle.
Maintenance Doses
After breaking your cycle or if you are currently in remission (between cycles) it is reported that one single dose taken on a schedule of "once every six months" will stop cluster cycles from returning on their regularly scheduled basis. Many people are enjoying years of a continued cluster free life by keeping on a regular schedule of maintenance dosing. This period between required doses is different for everyone and is sometimes determined by the onset of a "shadow" as a precursor of an oncoming cycle. It is generally accepted that a period not to exceed 6 months between doses is good insurance to stop a full blown cycle's return. It is much easier and more successful to keep a cycle from starting than it is to break a cycle.
Maintenance doses vary but people that have success with one single dose.......should avoid further doses once the cycle is broken, unless the symptoms get worse. Your body chemistry may have found it's balance, so best not shake the bottle again. Switch to preventative doses between episodes, therefore once every 3 months, starting in 6 weeks time. Use weak doses - once battered it doesn't take much to keep the beast at bay. After 2 years without any CH reduce the frequency of maintenance dose to once every 6 months. After a further 2 years you may escape with just an annual dose.

Maintenance doses still taste like crap though Wink
Congratulations bluebrain and all the best with it MaxPayne - keep us posted.
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #9 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 10:33am »
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Yes we wish those poor souls caught in the dark ages all the best in the world. It works, so there.
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #10 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 1:58pm »
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Regardless of any legal issues with anyone/anything we as clusterheads need to seek every option available for us triptans work but they also kill people I personally will not use them...I actually have some psilo for the next cycle so we'll see how that goes....PFDAN....Chris
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seasonalboomer Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #11 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 2:59pm »
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on Mar 20th, 2007, 1:58pm, hikerguy wrote:
Regardless of any legal issues with anyone/anything we as clusterheads need to seek every option available for us triptans work but they also kill people I personally will not use them...I actually have some psilo for the next cycle so we'll see how that goes....PFDAN....Chris

Huh? Triptans kill people? Do you mean it in the same vein as "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Cars kill people....  
Triptans are a godsend to many people and have helped them get it together enough to function through a lot of cluster headaches.  I appreciate that indole-ring chemistry works for so many and some day will probably look that direction too -- but there is no need to say something as broad as "triptans kill people"......
Or maybe we should say O2 is flammable too.
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seasonal boomer
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #12 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 3:16pm »
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Triptans didn't kill me ... in fact, it's just the opposite ... they've saved my life !!
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #13 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 3:49pm »
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They do if you mix them....frova + imitrex= OD
They do if your cardiovacscular is compromised by age smokin or heart disease.
Never mix triptans.
jb twocents
02 is an oxidizer it makes nonflammable things flammable.  twocents
lightem up and good luck
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #14 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 3:53pm »
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...oh, and people might take offense if you talk about triptans killing people, (though on occasion they do when folks aren’t careful).
And Chris... if you want to “seek every option available for us,”  why rule out triptans? They can work almost as well as psilocybin and won't kill you, if you’re careful...
And O2 is actually not flammable...but...
The point being we need to keep the whole picture in mind.
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #15 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 3:58pm »
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Tell these guys 02 isnt flammable
all the best
[url]The fire is believed to have been caused by a spark somewhere in the capsule's 50 km (31 miles) of wiring. Due to the pure oxygen inside the capsule (which was at a pressure of 15 psi or 100 kPa), the fire was quickly out of control. The Apollo 204 Review Board determined that a silver-plated copper wire running through an environmental control unit near the command module pilot's couch had become stripped of its insulation and abraded by repeated opening and closing of an associated access door. This weak point in the wiring also happened to pass near a junction in an ethylene glycol/water cooling line, which had developed a leak. The electrolysis of ethylene glycol solution with the anode made of silver resulted in a violent exothermic reaction that ignited the ethylene glycol mixture, which in turn was able to burn in the atmosphere of pure pressurized oxygen. [3] A similar March 1961 incident had previously claimed the life of Soviet cosmonaut trainee Valentin Bondarenko when a fire started in the pure oxygen atmosphere in the isolation chamber he had been occupying, a calamity the USSR had, for years, concealed from the public. The NASA investigation found that a bar of aluminum can burn like wood in a pure oxygen atmosphere. It also found substandard wiring in the craft and a missing socket wrench that was ruled out as the fire's cause. Many items on board were flammable, and flammable velcro had been applied to the walls of the craft to secure items in weightless conditions.
« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2007, 4:12pm by thebbz » IP Logged

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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #16 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 4:34pm »
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Triptans can kill as in cause CVA's  im not saying thats going to happen but it does happen....and I know ch wont kill me but a CVA will.....
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ClusterChuck Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #17 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 5:03pm »
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on Mar 20th, 2007, 1:58pm, hikerguy wrote:
triptans work but they also kill people I personally will not use them...

This is an EXTREMELY misleading statement!  Many, MANY of us use them a LOT, and they have been amazing as to how they have RETURNED life to us!
You might as well say peanuts kill people, so I won't eat them.  It is just as stupid a statement.
When used properly, under a doctor's direction, imitrex is a WONDERFUL medication!
Please stop trying to scare people needlessly.
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #18 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 5:34pm »
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Wink Right on Chuck!, and 02 isn't flammable. The bottles are heavy though. laugh
Mushrooms work, 02 works, Trex works. Lets all be careful out there. Misused and unguided, almost anything will get ya.
all the best
« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2007, 5:34pm by thebbz » IP Logged

It wasn't me I didn't do it
ClusterChuck Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #19 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 5:44pm »
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on Mar 20th, 2007, 5:34pm, thebbz wrote:
The bottles are heavy though.

Damn, I had forgotten that!!!  I also heard of a clusterhead that almost poked his eye out, by the stem of his oxygen tank.
SHIT!!!  And oxygen worked so well!!!  But guess I have to stop using it, cause it is a hazard to your toes and eyes.
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GOT O2!?


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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #20 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 7:34pm »
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Shrooms work well for alot of people.
I've dosed 4 times in the last 6 or 8 months. The first three times it worked. The second time I actually went into remission for almost a month. I thought they were gone. But they came back. Sad
I always get hit hard for a few days or a week afterward and then get a vast improvement, but this last time it just got worse and stayed worse...
But i have trouble properly detoxing, so... It may be my error.
If the pred doesn't end it for me I'll be dosing again in a couple of weeks.
Good luck. Check out
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #21 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 7:50pm »
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But i have trouble properly detoxing, so... It may be my error.  

Bad Chris Bad.. Angry
I had a hell of a time detoxing during an episode, couldn't have done it without caffeine and 02.
I had to do trex one time during detox it was so bad woke up one of my clusterbuds and cried at 1:00 am ,I felt so guilty.
You'll do better next time right?
worked for me
« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2007, 7:58pm by thebbz » IP Logged

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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #22 on: Mar 20th, 2007, 10:48pm »
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willing to try anything, wondereing where do you get the shrooms.  do you have to wait until you can grow your own. how long does that take?
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #23 on: Mar 21st, 2007, 12:43am »
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on Mar 20th, 2007, 10:48pm, chrisw wrote:
willing to try anything, wondereing where do you get the shrooms.  do you have to wait until you can grow your own. how long does that take?

See section on
Plan ahead.
« Last Edit: Mar 21st, 2007, 1:32am by BikerBob » IP Logged
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Re: Psilocybin
« Reply #24 on: Mar 21st, 2007, 7:02am »
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Sorry If I offended anyone... I guess what I meant to say was that any vasoconstrictive med/therapy increases the risk of TIA/CVA thats once again sorry if I offended anyone also back to the topic of this thread about psilo.. how about long term storage? does the potency degrade over time?..I'm going to dehydrate them to 100%dry and store them with silica gel any other ideas....?
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