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   Author  Topic: Oxygen stuff...  (Read 269 times)
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Oxygen stuff...
« on: Mar 7th, 2007, 4:35am »
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Sorry to plug up the board with a million posts, but I was just wondering, my wife's friend loaned us a tank of o2 for me to use until I can get a prescription and I called around looking for a face mask at a few medical supply companies and they all told me that face masks are available only with a prescription.  I've heard alot of good things about clustermasx but noticed that no RX is needed to order one of question is, is there other places to get a mask without a prescription? if so where might these places be? I have no problem ordering a clustermasx one but I'm afraid it won't arrive in time for me to get some use out of it before this cycle ends.  I would gladly pay for a mask if I new I could get it overnighted or preferrably run to a store and pick one up.
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Re: Oxygen stuff...
« Reply #1 on: Mar 7th, 2007, 6:02am »
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A clustermasx is the best to get.
But you can order the general non-rebreather mask here
and I believe they will ship overnight without a prescription. Check it out: on_rebreather_description___oxygen_mask_high_concentration_non_rebreather_mask-b85.htm
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Re: Oxygen stuff...
« Reply #2 on: Mar 7th, 2007, 8:33am »
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You can also find them on e-bay. As for a regulator, send a PM to Mr. Happy, he may be able to help you out.
But get the clustermasx, it's the best one available. Don't even bother looking for anything else.
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Re: Oxygen stuff...
« Reply #3 on: Mar 7th, 2007, 11:17am »
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I just got an O2 setup bt only have the regular mask they provided me at Praxair, it's not a non-rebreather.  Should I even bother with it or would it just be a waste of O2.
I ordered a clustermasx but it won't get here for a few days I'm sure.
Thanks again for all the help around here, you guys are invaluable.
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Bob P
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Re: Oxygen stuff...
« Reply #4 on: Mar 7th, 2007, 11:20am »
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I too needed a prescription to get my first non-rebreather mask.  Must be a Calif. thing.
Last year I bought a high flow regulator and a couple of non-rebreathers on EBay.
Regular maks may work but you'd have to inhale slowly to get 100% O2 and not suck air in around the edge of the mask.
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