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   Author  Topic: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.  (Read 581 times)
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Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« on: Mar 2nd, 2007, 9:47pm »
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Dr. gave me samples to try. I took one last night but I can't say it really helped. Ended up being the same on & off the O2 all night. I was already aborting most hits.
Just curious if anyone here has,           Skyhawk
« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2007, 9:50pm by Skyhawk5 » IP Logged
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #1 on: Mar 2nd, 2007, 9:54pm »
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on Mar 2nd, 2007, 9:47pm, Skyhawk5 wrote:
Dr. gave me samples to try. I took one last night but I can't say it really helped. Ended up being the same on & off the O2 all night. I was already aborting most hits.
Just curious if anyone here has,           Skyhawk

I was gonna say that a lot of folks say that it doesn't really abort but it does act as a preventative b/c it has a longer half life.
Sorry it didn't show the same result with you.
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #2 on: Mar 2nd, 2007, 11:06pm »
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I found it to be as effective as imitrex in the sense that it would abort my ch and keep it away for 2 hours until my next hit came and then I was stuck not being able to take anything else for 6 more hours lasting through 3 total ha.  It only was good for 2 hours not the 6-8 hours.
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #3 on: Mar 2nd, 2007, 11:53pm »
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Thanks for the replies. I'm still giving it a chance. If it will keep me out of kip-10 land I'll take it. My wife brought home a print out from '' that I find interesting. It says under "Most important fact about this drug"
"-and it is not recommended for the "cluster headaches" that tend to affect older men "   OMG is that why. LMAO
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #4 on: Mar 5th, 2007, 1:36pm »
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Was one of the first to try this and it did nothing for me.  Sorry.  But then again it could be me because we have yet to find a preventive that works.  I just use abortives.
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #5 on: Mar 5th, 2007, 3:27pm »
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I have used Frova but as a preventative not an abortive. I get a regular hit at 2am so I take a frova before bed and it will block that hit. It can last up to 26 hours but I have only ever got a max of 16-17 from it (not that I'm complaining at that!)
As it takes up to two hours to kick in its best used as a preventative so if you had a important day or you really needed a nights sleep its a useful tool to have.  
Its important that you remember to leave 24 hours before using another type of triptan though.
I've also found that using it for more than 3 days in a row causes rebounds for me although I know several others who have used it daily for weeks at a time without that happening to them.  
As with all our drugs what works for one doesn't work for another but I do believe its well worth giving a try to if used as I have.
Hope that helps!
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #6 on: Mar 5th, 2007, 8:01pm »
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Thank you for the responses. They are valuable believe me. The Frova does seem helpful. My Doc has me taking one at bedtime as a prevenative and this has extended the time between my wakeup hits that were every hour and now are every 2 to 3 hrs. I 'll take whatever.
I am concerned as Helen said, that everyday may cause rebounds. Like that today a bit. My Nuero says studies are showing that Frova can be taken daily.  
Of course the Insurance has a limit of 9 pills/mnth, Doc is helping with that. I hate this Insurance game, every cycle it's one drug or the other.  
Thanks again, Skyhawk (Don)  
« Last Edit: Mar 5th, 2007, 8:06pm by Skyhawk5 » IP Logged
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #7 on: Mar 6th, 2007, 2:12am »
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I have had mixed results with frova. Doc gave it to me last year for the first time and it seemed to work well as preventative like the others said. It did in fact abort a few if I caught the attack early enough.  We have been trying it agsan this year but without such good results. I usually take it about an hour brfore going to sleep and sometimes it aalowed me to sleep through the night with nothing more than a few shadows.  Recently thoug it has not been working at all (only trex, O2 and ice). I suppose that as with everyhing else it is probably case specific and works differently for everyone.  Best of luck and many PF wishes.
Pfunk Cool
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LeLimey Alumnus
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #8 on: Mar 6th, 2007, 3:39am »
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Skyhawk or Don as we can now call you!
Please don't let what I said scare you, I also said I know others who can take it continuously without any ill effects - it truly does affect us all differently as do all our meds and I listed MY experiences so that you knew all sides of the coin. I can definitely say frova is the best triptan in my opinion and I hate them. Its a definite bonus in your fight with the beast  Smiley
If it DOES seem as though its doing that for you then maybe try using it on alternate days or even two days on, one day off.  
Have you ever tried either red bull (or other similar energy drinks) or strong coffee as an abortive? I find both of those really effective if you get on them at first twinge.  
There are loads of little tricks and tips that we've discovered here and we'll happily help you find the ones thatwill work best for you
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Re: Anyone tried FROVA? I am now.
« Reply #9 on: Mar 7th, 2007, 12:10am »
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Helen,    Not to worry. I thank everyone here for their experiences. I've been around the board for a little over a year now, just hardly post. This is my 1st cycle since joining Had CH since June 1988.
I get a bit scattered mentally during my cycle. I have some Red Bull but have yet to try it. Luckily so far I'm able to abort most hits. Coffee is helpful for the shadows after a hit but I haven't tried it on a hit.
Gotta try to sleep, Bless you all,          Don
« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2007, 12:11am by Skyhawk5 » IP Logged
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