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   Is there some kind of comparison chart or somethin
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   Author  Topic: Is there some kind of comparison chart or somethin  (Read 342 times)
Alison Strobel Morrow
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Posts: 3
Is there some kind of comparison chart or somethin
« on: Feb 26th, 2007, 11:17pm »
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We're making an appt for my hubby to see a neurologist, and before we go we'd like to review the meds typically prescribed and their effectiveness, side effects, etc. Is there anything here on that shows members' meds and experience with them? I went through this folder on the message board looking for threads about ppl's experience, and I found some but they were all kinda scattered and it was hard to figure out what the best first attempt would be. (He's currently on zomig sprays and imitrex tabs but has no preventative.) From what I was able to read on the board it looks like verapamil is probably the best bet, but then I saw one or two posts about how it pushed people from episodic to chronic--DEFINITELY- not something we want to risk!
So, in a!?
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Gator Alumnus
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Re: Is there some kind of comparison chart or some
« Reply #1 on: Feb 27th, 2007, 1:59am »
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IF he already has a firm diagnosis of cluster headache:
Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventative, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH.  
Oxygen is an excellent abortive.  Works for most people when used properly.  Definitely try this.  As well as it works, I have a hard time understanding why more doctors do not prescribe it.  It must be used correctly to work, though.  Get it prescribed for up to 15 lpm through a non-rebreathing mask for no more than 20 minutes.  If your doc won't prescribe it for you,  and there is no medical reason why you can't use it, you might try welder's O2.  It's the same pure oxygen used by medical suppliers.  Many people here use it and would be more than happy to help you set it up.  Here are some links that tell about using O2:  
Here is a site where clusterheads have entered their experiences with the various CH meds/treatments.
Keeping a Headache Diary is very helpful to docs in diagnosing the type of headache a patient has.  It will also help your hubby and the doc track the progress of various treatments and make decisions on the next treatment steps.  There are many Headache Diaries around the internet.  Here's one that OUCH has available for download:
All the best!
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Bob P
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Shut up Bob!

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Re: Is there some kind of comparison chart or some
« Reply #2 on: Feb 27th, 2007, 7:29am »
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Here's the meds survey from this site:
« Last Edit: Feb 27th, 2007, 7:30am by Bob P » IP Logged

Mrs. Barlow, I never, and I repeat never, ever pissed in your steam iron.

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