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   Author  Topic: Histamine Desensitization  (Read 243 times)
UN solved


Histamine Desensitization
« on: Feb 20th, 2007, 11:01pm »
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An update on my Histamine use:
I just wanted to post that I've done yet another round of Histamine and it is working again to suppress the beast. The attacks stopped quickly and I haven't needed an Imitrex injection in over 2 weeks.  
The drawbacks to this treatment (for me) is that it hasn't been lasting for very long and that it takes so long to actually do the treatment. I'll be happy if the attacks stop for 6 weeks this time. It does seem that for the past couple of months the attacks that have occurred are much less intense than they have been. They have been much easier to deal with physically and mentally.
PF Wishes
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George_J Alumnus
New Board Hall of Famer

White-Breasted Nuthatch


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Posts: 4222
Re: Histamine Desensitization
« Reply #1 on: Feb 20th, 2007, 11:43pm »
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Glad to hear it, Michael.
Hope this is the beginning of a long pain-free period for you.
Best wishes,
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Ah! The foreigners put on such airs
Wearing the tangerine suits
And their harlequin eyes.
The pain they inspire
Draws in harmonica melodies
And the feathers of birds
Which flame up at their touch.
It all comes to light in the sheer
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