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   Author  Topic: Flaxseed Oil  (Read 325 times)
New Board Newbie




Posts: 8
Flaxseed Oil
« on: Feb 18th, 2007, 4:24pm »
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Does anyone know anything about flaxseed oil being good for bad for CH?  My husband WAS a chronic CH sufferer for a bazillion years - not being able to go more than a couple of days without a CH.  Between lots of prayers, a working combo of meds and retiring and moving - he all of a sudden has gone 8 months without a CH - praise God!  He just got a CH and I am wracking my brain trying to figure out what happened.  The only thing different is we started taking flaxseed oil capsules a couple of days ago - and I am wondering if that has anything to do with the headache.  
Does anyone have any good or bad experience with flaxseed and CH?  Thanks...
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kcopelin Alumnus
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Re: Flaxseed Oil
« Reply #1 on: Feb 19th, 2007, 10:07am »
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Tried flaxseed oil awhile back (4 years ago) for my menopause symptoms-didn't work for those and didn't affect my CH either....hmmmm....may just have been his time .  Sorry to hear your husband is getting hit again, welcome to the site.
PFDAN y'all,
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Kirk Alumnus
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Re: Flaxseed Oil
« Reply #2 on: Feb 21st, 2007, 10:26am »
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I take Flaxseed oil myself for about 4 years now. It doesn't seem to have affected my CH so far.
I'm very sorry to hear the attacks have returned.
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New Board Newbie




Posts: 8
Re: Flaxseed Oil
« Reply #3 on: Feb 21st, 2007, 10:33am »
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Thanks so much for everyone's replies and concern.  I don't post on this message board very often, but as a spouse of a CH sufferer - you guys will never know how much this site and all of your comments and your degree of care and concern for those who suffer means! I have spent many hours over the year looking around this site and reading all the stuff!  The help and information is priceless...
I guess it was just a fluke or coincidence that the CH headache happened right when starting flaxseed oil.  So far, he hasn't had another - so we are back to counting anew the headache free days!
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New Board Newbie


Posts: 2
Re: Flaxseed Oil
« Reply #4 on: Feb 21st, 2007, 8:18pm »
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Grandma, I'm new here as far as posting but have been reading for quite a while. Don't want to jinx ya but maybe the pf time was do to your move? I haven't read anything about this but I moved about 5yrs ago and went for a year without a hit and taking no meds(I'm chronic). I certainly hope that your hubby is just not gonna have anymore, just wanted to share my experience.
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