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   Author  Topic: Steroids  (Read 279 times)
midwestbeth Alumnus
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« on: Feb 10th, 2007, 11:11am »
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Rx for Dexamethasone 4 mg (Decadron) Qty 35.  Started with 2 for 2 days tapering down to 1/2 for 6 days and I have 4 days left.  I have not had a ch other than a few minor shadows in the first week.  
I have never taken any steroids before other than a dose pack for poison ivy which I suffered no side effects.  The steroids I am now taking are another story.
I want to note I do not know if any of this could be related to the steroids or the removal of my thyroid the week before I started the steroids.  ( path in, no cancer, yea!)  Since I started taking the steroids I feel great, like a completely different person I didn't realize how depressed I was great.  But, I have the following observations and questions:
I no longer require more than 5 hours sleep.  If I go to bed at 10, I'm up at 3, awake and alert.  I do not feel drowsy during the day.  Anyone else have this happen to them?
I have gained about 13lbs and I expected that.  How long does it take to get rid of the puffy, uncomfrotable, feel like I need to unbutton my pants...................even when I'm not wearing pants feeling?  I'm going on vacation in 3 weeks and the only thing that fits is my stretchy swimsuit Grin.  I've been living in comfy sweatpants and  sweatshirts.  Feel fat, but don't care, I'm happy.
The depression that has been lifted from me.  I feel more alert, stronger and clear headed.  I do not want that to end.  Maybe it's beacuse I've been pf, maybe beacause of the thyroid removal, or is it the steroids?  Anyone else have this happen to them while taking steroids?
I know most ch sufferers are men.  Are the effects of steroids different in women?  Maybe I'm starting to feel like a man from taking these and thats why I feel so different Shocked.  What effect do steroids have on hromones?Ladies your input?
Of course, in the back of my mind, I'm terrified of the ch returning at the end of the steroid taper, which would make me chronic Embarassed.  I've only suffered ch for almost a year, so this is all still new to me.  Time will tell, and I am enjoying every blessed pf day I have.
PF Wishes to everyone
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Guiseppi Alumnus
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Re: Steroids
« Reply #1 on: Feb 10th, 2007, 12:15pm »
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A mans perspective! Steroids make me a little grumpy and give me an edgy "I wanna snap at you" feeling. I didn't gain much weight, although I was rarely on them for more then 2 weeks. The puffy, moon pie face and overall bloated feeling disappears for me in less then a week.
The only bad news is while steroids provide a complete block for me, if I don't add anything else as a preventative, the CH comes back within 3 days of going off the steroids. I hope you have a secondary plan of attack in place as the steroids never worked to "end" a cycle for me. With all you've been through sounds like you could use a break!! Wishing you some peace soon.
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Re: Steroids
« Reply #2 on: Feb 10th, 2007, 12:25pm »
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HI   You may not like my response but here goes:
 Steriods are great in alot of ways but come with a lot of side effects. The side effects can be good or bad. A good side effect..hmmm.. well they can give you a sense of well being(thats where the depression went. If it was there before it will come back when you are done unless your headache was causing you to be depressed and that doesn't come back.) You not sleeping is a side effect...seems you like that...I didn't.....Your weight gain and probabaly a soon to be round moon face will go away soon after you taper off.
   Steriods can also mask illnesses..colds, flu and infections etc...It really is a great drug but can be dangerous...It does give a clusterheadache person a rest from headaches...hopefully it will 1 break your cycle and 2 allow other preventive drugs to kick in after they have been in yoursystem a while.....
It worked very successfully for me thru the years ..last time I just felt so good that I didn't feel right ..kind of out of body stuff and scared the heck out of me....
Hope it breaks the cycle. Also check out the side effects at WeB MD or something like that
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