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   Author  Topic: Melatonin ( side effect)  (Read 725 times)
New Board Hall of Famer


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Melatonin ( side effect)
« on: Feb 9th, 2007, 3:03am »
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The gonad report and other melatonin articles
Popular Supplement Melatonin Found To Have Broader Effects In Brain Than Once Thought
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thomas Alumnus
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Re: Melatonin ( side effect)
« Reply #1 on: Feb 9th, 2007, 8:54am »
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Well I can see first-hand that it is NOT an issue for me.  Grin
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Re: Melatonin ( side effect)
« Reply #2 on: Feb 9th, 2007, 11:10am »
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For people using 9-10mg/day as a preventive, this is a cautionary read to be aware of.
Last week the press carried a good report--analysis of side effects of a wide range of supplements--data drawn from hospital ERs and such sources. Melatonin was not showing high levels of side effects but, again, worth looking for this report.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: Melatonin ( side effect)
« Reply #3 on: Feb 9th, 2007, 1:18pm »
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Ahhh, the dangers of extrapolation and media sensationalism.  Certainly caution should be used when you are taking anything for any condition.
Including taking medical literature at face value!
In the release from UC Berkeley News, the source of that article in 2005 is a quote from Dr. Bentley:  
"Bentley noted that melatonin could have good as well as bad effects, but that the current lack of knowledge of the hormone's function in the human brain is troubling."
Yet for some interesting reason only the possible bad effects were discussed.  Hmmm.
It may be a (big) stretch to study quails and sparrows and apply those results to humans.  Especially when you consider the methods involved in their early and later studies.  Several extensive projects by Dr's Bentley and Tsutsui have led to some interesting discoveries (below) but is it applicable to humans?  They did not attempt to say so in the studies, yet eh press seems to think it may.   Hmmm.
Melatonin induces the expression of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone in the avian brain
"....Pinealectomy (Px) combined with orbital enucleation (Ex) (Px plus Ex) ....." (removal of pineal gland and the eye)
Development and Maintenance by Decreasing Gonadotropin Synthesis and Release in Male Quail
"....Continuous administration of GnIH to mature birds via osmotic pumps for 2 wk...."
"....In immature birds, daily administration of GnIH for 2 wk...."
Seasonal neuroplasticity in the songbird telencephalon: A role for melatonin
"....Twenty-four photorefractory male starlings...8 h light and 6 h darkness per day were castrated under anesthesia...."
Yes, these were good laboratory studies, don't live in a lab if you have CH, and only believe half of what your read.
Thanks for starting this post, as I said at the start, it is good to question everything you take in the treatment of your CH.
Who the heck funds this stuff anyway?   Wink
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Re: Melatonin ( side effect)
« Reply #4 on: Feb 10th, 2007, 10:50am »
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In experiments on the Japanese quail

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George_J Alumnus
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Re: Melatonin ( side effect)
« Reply #5 on: Feb 10th, 2007, 11:18am »
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on Feb 9th, 2007, 1:18pm, dougW wrote:

It may be a (big) stretch to study quails and sparrows and apply those results to humans.
Melatonin induces the expression of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone in the avian brain

I'd be interested to see the effects on primates, let alone mammals.    
Birds are quite a bit different in many ways, and are very, very distant relatives.
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Ah! The foreigners put on such airs
Wearing the tangerine suits
And their harlequin eyes.
The pain they inspire
Draws in harmonica melodies
And the feathers of birds
Which flame up at their touch.
It all comes to light in the sheer
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