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   Author  Topic: Lamictal......preventative  (Read 286 times)
Tara Ann Alumnus
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« on: Nov 2nd, 2006, 12:34pm »
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I have been on a taper up of this drug for almost 5 weeks now.  Started at 25 mg for 2 weeks, then up to 50 mg then I felt drunk everytime I took it, switched to taking it near bedtime, after almost 2 weeks at 50 mg I adjusted and didn't feel drunk on it, just a bit tired and slightly hung over in the a.m. Tonight I taper up to 100 mg for a week (or two, I'm too lazy to look righ tnow) then I will be at 150 mg to stay.  Seems like when I finally start to adjust to the dose it's time to taper up again GRRR meds suck.  "illegal" shit is looking more and more tempting!
Anyone else have experience with this drug?  What were your side affects if any, and at what dose?
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Re: Lamictal......preventative
« Reply #1 on: Nov 2nd, 2006, 5:55pm »
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I took it years ago and don't remember the dose. I didn't take it for more than a couple of months as I was having a very bad time while on it. I switched doctors and meds soon after.  
PS. You may want to ask your doc about the risk for developing dyskinesia (or tardive dyskinesia) as a result of taking this drug.
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Tara Ann Alumnus
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Re: Lamictal......preventative
« Reply #2 on: Nov 3rd, 2006, 8:37am »
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I looked up tardive dyskinesia (more or less repetative involuntary movements) and thus far I don't have that problem.  I just feel almost drunk sometimes, not quite the same as being drunk though.  just sloppy, uncoordinated, a bit slurry (but then again that was one of my new symptoms, slurring of speech, before I was started on this med)
What do you mean by "bad time" on it?
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Re: Lamictal......preventative
« Reply #3 on: Nov 3rd, 2006, 9:33pm »
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bad time = mulitple, severe daily hits high on the KIP scale Was going on when I started Lamictal and didn't change while on it. Can't say that Lamictal made me worse but it sure didn't help any. Hope you have better luck while on it.
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Karla Alumnus
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Re: Lamictal......preventative
« Reply #4 on: Nov 4th, 2006, 10:49pm »
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I had an allergic reaction to it.
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