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   What Kind of O2 Mask?
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   Author  Topic: What Kind of O2 Mask?  (Read 282 times)
New Board Hall of Famer

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What Kind of O2 Mask?
« on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 11:57am »
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Hi All...
Gotta quick question...I had oxygen delivered on Fri.  Here is my question--what kind of O2 mask should I have???  
My doctor prescribed "a full-face mask W/NO BAG".  Over the years I have used the O2 with a mask without bag as well as one time with a bag (after my neighbor suggested that I do so).  Which one is the right way???  I am seriously confused here b/c the doctor specifically wrote full-face mask with no bag.  Hence that is all they gave me.   Is this right or wrong?  Thanks guys.  Hope you are all PF today.
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Gator Alumnus
New Board Hall of Famer



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Re: What Kind of O2 Mask?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 4:22pm »
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According to leading doctors in the treatment of CH (Kudrow, Rozen, ect.), a Non-Rebreathing Mask (one with the bag on it) is recommended.  I think you'll get the same opinion from everyone here who has successfully tried oxygen.  The trick is to breath 100% pure oxygen.  Other masks and the canula allow outside air in diluting the oxygen and the abortive effect.
One of the best masks I have found in the clustermasx.  It's design allows for a tight seal and the different size bags allow you to use a bag big enough for you to take full deep breaths instead of huffing short breaths like when you use the cheapie NRB masks.
Edited to add:  You should also have a regulator that goes up to 15lpm.  If the doctor scoffs at any of this, show him this:
« Last Edit: Jul 23rd, 2006, 4:24pm by Gator » IP Logged
New Board Hall of Famer

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!


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Posts: 604
Re: What Kind of O2 Mask?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 10:30pm »
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Thanks a lot for the info and the link!  Previously that was the impression that I was under--that I needed the nonrebreathing mask (had it last time and only last time) until this doc told me that I did not!  Well, now I will try to get ahold of one--I have O2 10L but it is good to know that if that stops working I should go up to 15L.  I have had problems before with massive freaking headaches breaking through the oxygen and maybe it has something to do with having the wrong amount.  God why are doctors so confused?  I don't get it.  I guess we could try to figure that out all day along with trying to unravel the mystery of the pyramids.  Thank you so much for the information!  
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