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   Author  Topic: Anti-Depressant fun  (Read 221 times)
FramCire Alumnus
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Anti-Depressant fun
« on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 1:57am »
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I tried Wellbutrin for the 3rd time and within 3 days got hit HARD, again.  Needless to say, I will never try it again.  Could be coincidence, but the first 2 times I was not in cycle and got into cycle and this time I was just having shadows and wham.... I have had HAs back-to-back most of the day and not shadows.
So, I switched to Lexapro this evening and during a relatively bad HA took Maxalt MLT and now I find out that combo may cause serious problems.
Anyway, does anyone know a good anti-depressant that isn't on the list of drugs you shouldn't take with triptans (other than Wellbutrin)?  I have decided (for now) not to take anti-depressants again because of this.
My wife is my only anti-depressant.  She has been my rock through gallstones, CH, 2 slipped disks that required surgery, and kidney stones and we haven't been married 10 years yet.  I just want to function at a higher level for her and my kids.  (Sorry for the ranting...... just a bit frustrated)
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TxBasslady Alumnus
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Re: Anti-Depressant fun
« Reply #1 on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 2:17am »
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Sorry you're having a rough go.
I'm med free, use only 02, so I'm not much help.    
Anytime I ever took anything different, or changed the dose, my CH ran rampant.   I think that happens to alot of folks.
Don't worry about the rant...sometimes it's good to do that.
PF vibes to ya sweetie..
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E-Double Alumnus
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Re: Anti-Depressant fun
« Reply #2 on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 2:28am »
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check out the interaction tool
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nani Alumnus
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Re: Anti-Depressant fun
« Reply #3 on: Jul 23rd, 2006, 10:05am »
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Bummer, Eric. My sister is ECH, though not "classic". Her episodes are few and far between (she struggles with migraines all the time, though). She swears that Wellbutrin will trigger a CH episode and make her migraines much worse. She's sworn it off for good. I know someone who uses Prozac, and it hasn't seemed to have an effect on his CH.
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