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   Author  Topic: Re; Lemonade Fast  (Read 240 times)
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Re; Lemonade Fast
« on: Jul 18th, 2006, 3:22pm »
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Alright folks, here are the results of the lemonade fast.  
For those who did not read my earlier post, I began a 10 day fast on lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne red pepper in 10 oz. of pure or spring water.  6-12 glasses a day, also as much water as I wanted, but no food. This was a last resort, having nothing to lose besides a few pounds, and everything to gain.  I began on Thursday July 6.  The first day was the hardest, since I had never fasted even for a day, but after that, it really was quite easy.  My wife fasted with me for support, which was a help.  Saturday the 8th I had 2 CH in less than 2 hours and was ready to sell my soul for relief from the pain.  On Monday July 10, I had 5 headaches, my worst day ever, in 40 years.  I  wasn't warned that during and immediately after the fast, the CH can get worse before they get better, since your system is clearing out all the crap in there.    
I saw my nutritionist on Wednesday July 12, and she had me break the fast early, since she felt that the toxins had been removed. . For the rest of the day until Thursday evening,  we drank  water and  orange juice.  Thursday July 13, we had fruit and vegetables, and Friday we had our first real meal in 8 days, chicken stir fry.  I lost 8 pounds, have since gained about half of it back, but I wasn't overweight anyay. Friday AM the 14th I had a killer in my office, and was really disheartened.  Another cure that didn't work.  However, that was the last CH. I've had shadows, but none have broken out.  I'm only 3 and a half weeks into my cycle, and should be having 2-3 a day for another 2 plus months.  It appears that the CH cycle has been broken.  I will be fasting 3-4 times a year for 2-3 days, just to clean out the old body.  Kind of like preventive maintenance.  I'm also on a restricted diet for a few weeks.  No dairy,except plain yogurt, no sugar, wheat or white flower (whole wheat is fine), no nightshades.  
Plenty of water, lots of fruit and vegetables, fish, chicken, etc.  
 I know that others have advocated fasting on this site and have been belittled, but don't knock it if you haven't tried it.  It sure beats injecting yourself with a needle 3-5 times a day, for months on end, and worrying if you'll run out of imitrex.  Or where you'll be when the next one hits.  
Ask your Dr. if you are healthy enough to try a fast before you attempt it.  The lemonade fast might not work for you, but then again, maybe it will, or at least slow the cycle down.  
I didn't think it would work for me, but when you're at the your wits end, you'll try anything.  
Larry from Pa. (USA)
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thomas Alumnus
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Re: Re; Lemonade Fast
« Reply #1 on: Jul 18th, 2006, 6:28pm »
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Thanks for the info Wrock!
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Religion and sex are powerplays. Manipulate the people for the money they pay. Selling skin, selling God, the numbers look the same on their credit cards. Triptans cause rebounds. Learn it, believe it, live it. I use triptans as the absolute LAST RESORT when treating my CH.
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