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   Update in case it helps anyone
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   Author  Topic: Update in case it helps anyone  (Read 237 times)
New Board Hall of Famer

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Update in case it helps anyone
« on: Jul 15th, 2006, 6:36pm »
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Hi all--
Just wanted to update--started getting breathroughs at night on 9 mg melatonin (although MUCH milder in pain level than the norm) after five sweet nights.  Last night I upped to 12 mg and it woked like a charm--slept through the night--all I had was headache coming on upon waking in morning--but just jumped right up and walked around house pounding a bottle of water and it left--awesome!!!  (I just wanted to note that getting a headache in morning for me on top of the night hits is a normal part of how I cycle and the fact that it didn't get anywhere I attribute to the melatonin).
Just posting in case this can help anyone.  I have always gotten hit viciously at night and I want to throw out info in case someone can use it.  Thinking of you all and wishing you pain free, Starlight
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Re: Update in case it helps anyone
« Reply #1 on: Jul 15th, 2006, 10:41pm »
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Hey Sis,
That is great, can't beat a full nights sleep!!!!!    
What time are you taking the melatonin in the evening, right before bedtime, or do you give it some time to take effect and make you tired?  
I have been doing better with the pain pounding water and walking around also while waiting for the thing to subside.  I have also added popping a Taurine capsule, 500 mg, right at the onset and maybe it is helping as well.    
Have you ever tried acupuncture?  
Thanks, wishing you PFNAD as well!!!!    
« Last Edit: Jul 15th, 2006, 10:42pm by walkertexasranger » IP Logged
New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Update in case it helps anyone
« Reply #2 on: Jul 16th, 2006, 1:23pm »
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Hey Bro!!!
Hope you had some luck last night!  I take the melatonin about an hour before bed and do go to bed when I am sleepy from it (not sure that is the right way but that's what I do Smiley ).  
I actually did try acupuncture back in my college days.  I went in towards the end of a cycle out of desperation.  It did seem to have a good effect--it seemed like my cycle ended "abruptly" rather than "winding down"--I attributed it to the acupuncture at the time but later on when I saw one of my old neuros I told him about it and he pooh-poohed it--so I never went back.  
Have you ever tried it?  It definitely can't hurt.  
I hope you are doing well today,  
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