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   Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone
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   Author  Topic: Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone  (Read 221 times)
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Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone
« on: Jul 15th, 2006, 10:03am »
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Without going into my long history of CH, two years ago I decided to go to the Diamond Headache Client -Chicago, IL.  I was given a form of steroids and it took about 1 week for my cycle to stop.  I went again a couple of weeks ago and they gave me another form of steroid-Dexamethasone [it says substitute for Decadron].  This time the cycle stopped the first night [fingers crossed].  Both times they also gave me a shot of a steroid [not sure which one] during my office visit.  They also gave me Verapamil [lowering blood pressure medicine].  As we all know, what works for one may not work for another - and may not work everytime.  I suggest anyone that has bad CH's to try to get to a specialist.  They tell me that the CH type of headache is much more treatable then migraines.  Good luck to all....
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Re: Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone
« Reply #1 on: Jul 15th, 2006, 3:35pm »
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Glad the steroids also helps you. I believe steroids will help most clusterheads. Many use Prednisone but I  prefer Solu Medrol.  
User Beware: You can't use these too often or it will lead to serious side effects. Learn more about steroids if you're going to be doing them.
Goodluck !
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Re: Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone
« Reply #2 on: Jul 16th, 2006, 10:10am »
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Thanks for the feedback.  I guess that is the one problem with the steroids, is if they do not get you out of cycle for the 3-4 days that we can stay on them, then they are only a temporary aide.  I am on day 4 on steroid meds and had a minor attack yesterday-maybe because the dosage gets smaller on day 4 and 5, crossing my fingers that this was enough..
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Re: Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone
« Reply #3 on: Jul 16th, 2006, 11:31pm »
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Steroids stop my headaches while i'm on them, but as soon as the taper is over.......BANG!   Cycle is back!   Huh
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Re: Forms of Steroids - Dexamethasone
« Reply #4 on: Jul 17th, 2006, 10:01pm »
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Hi prescribed to me also , tried it , worked after two days . I was a happy kid , then off of them and BAM!!!! Sucks big time...I am still in cycle , 6th week... ohjez. All my best to you, Summer Cool
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