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   Any experience with anti-depressants?
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   Author  Topic: Any experience with anti-depressants?  (Read 347 times)
New Board Newbie


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Any experience with anti-depressants?
« on: Jul 13th, 2006, 1:03pm »
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Hi everybody!
I hope you can share your experience with me...
I have now been in cycle for 11 months (not yet diagnosed cronic at least), and it is starting to wear me out. The attacks seem to worsen relating to my menstrual cycle, so that I get much worse when I am premenstrual (as if PMS wasn't bad enough..).  
The thing is I wonder if I should ask my doc for some anti-depressants, since I feel like living in a "black hole" much of the time.  
Have you had any experience with this? Could it interact in bad ways with verap or imitrex?  
Any recommendations for anti-depressants?  
I hope this is not a sensitive question..
Best regards,
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 13th, 2006, 1:49pm »
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I have been on a number of anti-depressents but never in cycle.  The most recent one I was on was Lexapro.  It worked great for the anxiety, I didnt care about anything.  Nothing made me mad or sad but nothing made me happy either.  One of the major side effects of Lexapro and meds like it is suicidal thoughts.  The doctor usually tells you that if you have those thoughts to tell someone and get right back in.  My concern is that, me personally, I already have that problem in the middle of a kip 10, so why add to it.  It scares me when I hear about a fellow CHer on those pills.  I stopped cold turkey (not recommended) a week into my cycle.  I could not take the feelings I was getting.
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 13th, 2006, 3:13pm »
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Thank you for sharing! Smiley
From what I can see (trying to do a bit of net research), Lexapro is an antidepressant of the SSRI-type. It will be interesting to ask my neuro if he has experienced differences between types of antidepressants in CH patients.
I am sorry to hear you had suicidal thoughts...that really really sucks. I'll take that advice and ask about it as well. As you I have some of these unpleasant thoughts when I'm at my worst. I hate it.  
Thanks again for responding, and all the best to you!
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Charlotte Alumnus
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #3 on: Jul 13th, 2006, 3:44pm »
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I took Paxil when I had panic attacks that were getting so bad I couldn't drive to work.  Took differing amounts and settled on 10 mg, which allowed me to drive.
After the panic attacks calmed down, I cut back to 5 mg and continued it several more months  specifically because it reduced the ch pain.
This year, I tried 5 mg paxil again.  It did reduce the pain, but from the bottom, not the top.  I stopped taking it because I don't need the lower level pain masked.
I also tried St Johns Wort, Valerian, & Magnesium about 10 years ago and it did help at the time. with pain management & depression.
« Last Edit: Jul 13th, 2006, 3:45pm by Charlotte » IP Logged
Karla Alumnus
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #4 on: Jul 16th, 2006, 6:42pm »
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I have taken celexa, wellbutrin, serzone, effexor, and I am sure a few more I can't think to mention.  I also take antiphycotics such as Geodon, abilify, seroquel, etc.  These are all ok to take with the abortives and preventatives that you may need for ch.  If you have any doubts or concerns I would recomend that you talk to your local pharmacist.  I hope I have helped some.
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #5 on: Jul 16th, 2006, 11:13pm »
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Always ask your doc about any drug interactions first.  
I have taken Zoloft, Wellbutrin and for my most recent cycle, Cymbalta.  I don't take any preventatives other than Kudzu, so I don't have the experience of how they'd react to each other.
Currently I am on a vitamin regimen to control my depression with an anxiety disorder.
Good luck to you!
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #6 on: Jul 17th, 2006, 12:06am »
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mel, could you please list what your vitamin regimen is to help depression and anxiety? i dont want to take meds for this since i already take so many meds, thanks
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Re: Any experience with anti-depressants?
« Reply #7 on: Jul 17th, 2006, 11:49pm »
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on Jul 17th, 2006, 12:06am, Radha wrote:
mel, could you please list what your vitamin regimen is to help depression and anxiety? i dont want to take meds for this since i already take so many meds, thanks

If you can, try and get ahold of (like on the book by Prevention Health Library called "Vitamin Cures".  
Now, here's what I take every day...
B complex
Vitamin C
Folic Acid
Sometimes you may need to either add one in or take one out depending on what you feel is working for you.  Always let your doctor know what you are doing, as some vitamins cannot be taken with certain medications.  A good doc will help you and monitor your progress as depression is nothing to take lightly.  We don't need anyone spiriling down or out of control!
Also, I was on Cymbalta before I switched to the vitamins.  My doc helped me taper down, kept a close eye on me, and knows everything that I'm taking now.
Good luck to you!
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