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   Imitrex side effects ?
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   Author  Topic: Imitrex side effects ?  (Read 292 times)
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Imitrex side effects ?
« on: Jul 12th, 2006, 11:49am »
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 I have been a CH sufferer for quite a while and have posted here before- I also know there are other posts relating/discussing side effects of IM. However. But I would like to hear back from anyone on vascular side effects on IM.
I had a bad bout earleir thsi year- 8 weeks nonstop. Tooka fair amount of IM injections but mostly kept within the 'dosage' limits but I had injections eevry day ( or as much as dosage would allow) for the longest time I had ever done so.
Here is the issue.
I started getting severe leg cramps about 4 weeks ago (right calf after walking 50-100 yards) and just had a full ultrsound testing blood flow and have been advsied that I have a definite constrition/blockage somewhere in my right leg which while require further tests and most probably surgery--
Has anyone else had any similiar situations ??
I am trying to deetrmine if this is caused by IM or not ?
I understand that IM causes vascular constriction and wondering if being off IM will aleviate the problem or if there is a way to determine if this is a definite side effect caused by IM.
Thank you for your input..
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Re: Imitrex side effects ?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 12th, 2006, 6:33pm »
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I have not and I have not heard of that as a side effect.  Keep us posted!!!
Good Vibes!!
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"Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window, except that the birds might eat them."


Re: Imitrex side effects ?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 12th, 2006, 6:34pm »
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PVD (peripheral vascular disease) is not an uncommon process in regular folks.  But I can't speak as to whether there is an increased risk for Imitrex users.  Certainly its use in contraindicated in anyone with any form of vascular disease as it can cause heart attacks, strokes etc.  Did they check for vascular flow in any other areas such as carotid arteries, other leg, etc?  If you have constriction in one area, you might want to know if any other areas are involved since it would put you at higher risk of having a complications of using Imitrex.
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Re: Imitrex side effects ?
« Reply #3 on: Jul 12th, 2006, 8:05pm »
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Sorry to hear of your problem.  I'm no doctor, but if your cycle has been over for awhile and you aren't currently on Trex, it's doubtful to me that's the cause.
Trex is definitely a vasoconstrictor, but its effects wear off after about 12 hours.  Most of the danger or side effects occur within a few hours (or minutes) of injection.
Chances are, you have a blood clot or other blockage which can come from numerous causes.  I would guess they'll first treat you with Coumadin or Heparin before they recommend surgery.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.
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Re: Imitrex side effects ?
« Reply #4 on: Jul 13th, 2006, 1:04am »
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I want to thank everyone so far for their insighst/advice especially Kris-- thank you again-- you guys are great !!
As a CH sufferer this is a great 'community' again - thank you-- For any who are interested - I posted ' 'A sSory from Mr. Cluster' in the 'supporters area many months ago-- surpisingly it helped me through my own CH. and I had a lot of feedback from mnay people about how accurate it was.
Back to business- it sounds like my problems are 'other' , not IM related which is both good and bad news- as it were -- good news that side effects of IM don't seem to produce my additional 'problem from a vascular standpoint -- but bad as I have to figure out what else it is..
Such is life.. You all take care .. and thank you again.. be well and PF... !! Smiley
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New Board Newbie

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Re: Imitrex side effects ?
« Reply #5 on: Jul 13th, 2006, 9:00pm »
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I have been using Imitrex injections for about 2 months and sometimes a few minutes after using I have some pain in the joints of my knees and under my shins but only after I go a few days without using the meds. Hope this helps, good luck
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New Board Newbie

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Re: Imitrex side effects ?
« Reply #6 on: Jul 15th, 2006, 10:43am »
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Right now I have a fist size bruise on my left leg, in the middle it's hard like a cyst, I asked my dermatologoist about it, he said not to worry until a month later when I come back..
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