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   Need Advice with Melatonin
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   Author  Topic: Need Advice with Melatonin  (Read 374 times)
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Need Advice with Melatonin
« on: Jul 11th, 2006, 1:53pm »
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Hi Everyone!
I'm pretty new here.  But I would be interested to hear from some others about how long they took melatonin for when in cycle.  Shane thank you a million for your advice.
  I started taking the melatonin the night right after my first "warning" (headache trying to break through).  It seems to be working (I am 4 days into cycle) and I am so grateful for that--headache mildly tried to start coming through last night around 3:00 am but I think it was because I was unable to fall asleep (from stress or something) and was still awake when I should not have been.  Other than that, I am so incredibly relieved and hope it will continue.  Others here who have used it with some success, how long did you keep taking it--the length of what would normally be your whole cycle? longer than that?  shorter?  or just till you "sense" headaches are gone?
Just really interested to hear from anyone as I have not met anyone ever who has had these headches.  I am 32 (female)--I have been episodic for almost 20 years--used to be every year and then started skipping two years in between cycles.  i guess I should call my doc too but I am almost scared for some reason--like he will put me on additional meds and I do not want to mess this up b/c it seems to be working.  Anyway, I know it sounds weird I am anxious about doctors--it has to do with these headaches and getting weirdness from docs for 20 years.   Smiley Smiley
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Re: Need Advice with Melatonin
« Reply #1 on: Jul 11th, 2006, 2:04pm »
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Oh, Marlinsfan, thank you a ton for your advice also--sorry I got names confused--I am a little out of it today from sleep dep.  
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Re: Need Advice with Melatonin
« Reply #2 on: Jul 11th, 2006, 2:13pm »
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13. Chazot G, Claustrat B, Brun J, et al. A chronobiological study of melatonin, cortisol, growth hormone, and prolactin secretion in cluster headache. Cephalalgia 1984;4:213–20.
14. Waldenlind E, Gustafsson SA, Ekbom KA, Wetterberg L. Circadian secretion of cortisol and melatonin during active cluster periods and remission. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1987;50:207–13.
15. Leone M, Lucini V, D’Amico D, et al. Twenty-four-hour melatonin and cortisol plasma levels in relation to timing of cluster headache. Cephalalgia 1995;15:224–9.
16. Leone M, Lucini V, D’Amico D, et al. Abnormal 24-hour urinary excretory pattern of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in both phases of cluster headache. Cephalalgia 1998;18:664–7.
17. Leone M, D’Amico D, Moschiano F, et al. Melatonin versus placebo in the prophylaxis of cluster headache: a double-blind pilot study with parallel groups. Cephalalgia 1996;16:494–6.
18. Peres MFP, Rozen TD. Melatonin in the preventive treatment of chronic cluster headache. Cephalalgia 2001;21:993–5.
I used it for over a yr then ran out one day and found that myattacks did not come back over night.
It became a rarity for nocturnal attacks to develop with me for several months.
Now I get them randomly yet do not take anything. Not even melatonin
I am however a huge advocate for its use.
Good luck
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Re: Need Advice with Melatonin
« Reply #3 on: Jul 12th, 2006, 2:27pm »
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Thanks so much for sharing your own experience with this stuff as well as the information--it was very helpful.
Right now things are going really good.  I feel a couple little twinges here and there but they don't go anywhere.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.  Never thought I would find anything that would beat this monster.  
Glad to hear you have had some good success with melatonin also.  Very encouraging!  Thanks again, Starlight
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Re: Need Advice with Melatonin
« Reply #4 on: Jul 12th, 2006, 2:46pm »
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Glad to hear that it is working so well for you.  If it were not for this site I would not have found out about it ethier.  My concern is that I really don't want to have to be using any meds if possible (of any nature).  It (Melatonin) is giving some us great relief, but are we depriving ourselves of natural states of REM.  That is a question that I have for my Doc the next visit.  If anyone else has comment about effects on natural sleep patterns, I am interested.  I know that when I am off cycle I am fine.  I do what I want, when I want (eat, drink, sleep, etc).  So, where do we draw the line with all of the extras?  Anyway... So happy for you Starlight.
Shane Grin
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Re: Need Advice with Melatonin
« Reply #5 on: Jul 12th, 2006, 5:41pm »
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Hey Shane--
I know what you're saying--my body seems like it is adjusting to the melatonin--not severly groggy in the morning so much--but do feel unusually spacey.  With the REM--I would definitely be interested to know what your doc says.  It has been weird for me--first night I felt like I was in a coma.  Second--extremely vivid dreams.  third--no dreams.  fourth and fifith--I can remember some dreams.  
It is funny b/c the weeks before these headaches set in I had severe insomnia (totally not typical for me) and absolutely no appetitie (again not typical unfortunately)--I was force feeding myself b/c I swear I could have contentedly just not eaten anything.  I knew something was very wrong with my body and then slam...the cluster cycle started.  
I will definitely take this melatoniin with any side effects b/c nearly 20 years of this beast (episodically) with little relief (as a teenage/young adult woman starting 20 years ago some cycles I was just told to find a psychiatrist and was actually refused Imitrex prescriptions as a young adult b/c I was told they were too "dangerous"Wink when I felt the melatonin pushing the headache back into submission that first night I took it it truly felt like a miracle to me.
I know what you mean though--something about clusters and all that comes with it really makes you want to just be free of all of the whole package.  
Thank you for encouraging me with the melatonin--it is so good to connect with others who can understand this whole ordeal.
Thank you,  
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