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   Author  Topic: New Article on Mushroom Studies  (Read 232 times)
seasonalboomer Alumnus
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New Article on Mushroom Studies
« on: Jul 11th, 2006, 8:57am »
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Not sure if this is the kind of "studying" clusterheads really want to see being done. Kind of takes it back to Timothy Leary era IMHO. Studying "mystical experiences" is the kind of thing that health boards and university research boards cringe at. I'm not doubting the potential benefit for all kinds of applications but when you see studies get press such as this (similar article ran in todays "Personal Journal" page of the Wall Street Journal) you're never sure whether they're trying to say, "see, I told you these people are kooks", or they actually see something of value.
Here's a link to a free article in thr UK Independent -- (the WSJ requires registration)
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seasonal boomer
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