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   Author  Topic: LEXAPRO  (Read 266 times)
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« on: Jul 6th, 2006, 8:35pm »
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I have not posted on this site for some time as I received some negative feedback from some users that I am convinced are hypochondriacs. I first tried Lexapro (anti-depressant) approx 13 months ago.Up until then I would have at least one cluster per day and had done for the past 5 years. After one week of this medication I have been cluster free with no symptoms whatsoever.
Try it,it may work for you.
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« Reply #1 on: Jul 7th, 2006, 1:29am »
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My doctor put me on Lexapro in March when I was diagnosed with mitral regurg and was freaking out about my upcoming wedding.  Prior to that I had not had a cycle in 4 years.  In May, my cycle started.  I am convinced that this drug is what brought it on.  Probably was not it, but I took myself off right away.  Besides all that, it had some wacko side effects for me.  I am very happy that it is working for you.  Be careful on it though.  One of the side effects is suicidal thoughts and God knows we CHers dont need anymore of those.
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