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   Author  Topic: RC seeds unrealized benefit  (Read 365 times)
New Board Hall of Famer


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RC seeds unrealized benefit
« on: Jun 25th, 2006, 7:20pm »
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For as long as I can remember outside of the full CH cycle I have been hit several times a day with silent CH (all the symptoms without the pain), A nuisance for sure but not an unbearable problem for me.  
I also got hit frequently with BAM attacks (short duration intense hits lasting just a few seconds)
If any of the above counted as true CH I would have been chronic for 30 years. They dont, so I can stay in denial of CH.
The last few days I have been getting both silent and bam attacks.
 I realized since busting my last cycle with RC seeds that these had not been occuring at all for the first time in my CH life.
I took a small dose of seeds powdered sublinqual last night before bed slept in and have felt none of the above today.
 Thanks clusterbusters.
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