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   Author  Topic: Bawls!  (Read 211 times)
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« on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 11:55am »
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I found this mints called bawls mints.  They don't taste that bad, and the arre carbonated so its got a cute little tingle.  Anyway I tell you about these mints because that are made with Guarana.  Has any one used this stuff In case you don't know,  This is what Guarana is...
Guarana (Paullina Cupana) is nut-like seed of a climbing vine that grows in the Amazon basin in Brazil just south of the equator. Guarana has been used for centuries by the indigenous people of this area as natural energy supplement and today over 25% of the soft drinks on the market in Brazil contain Guarana as a main ingredient.
The Guarana berry contains a naturally-occurring form of caffeine which is 2.5 times stronger than the caffeine found in coffee, tea, and soft drinks.

They also have a drink, but I like red bull better.

I haven't used them when in a cycle yet but who know a couple of these with a redbull or two might work out well
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