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   Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
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   Author  Topic: Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?  (Read 296 times)
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Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
« on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 11:09am »
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We finally got his Kudzu in Tuesday afternoon.  I had to order it online cause all i found in the local stores was 100mg and he was not liking the idea of taking 35+ pills a day.  LOL  
He started it Tuesday evening.  That nite he had 2 whoppers.  The first in almost a week.  Previously the Redbull and water had been helping to abort the headaches.  it did not this nite.  All day yesterday, he had heavy shadows.  
Then last nite, again, 2 whoppers.  Nothing he tried helped.  (we are still working on finding him welding oxygen because he has no ins)  Heavy shadows again this morning.
So I am wondering if the Kudzu is actually bringing on the headaches?  On one hand, he wants to continue with the Kudzu for a while to give it time to kick in in his system.  On the other hand, it seems odd that he would get hit so hard once starting it when he was having some success prior.
We're not sure what to do here.  He was dizzy and nauseus and exhausted this morning.  Even talked about leaving work early even tho he has no sick time and cannot afford to lose the pay, that's how bad he felt. Sad
Any advice?
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New Board Newbie


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Re: Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 11:17am »
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Sorry, I should give more details.  
He is taking 2 Kudzu 3 times daily.  Morning, afternoon, and bedtime.  He is also taking 9mg of Melatonin at bedtime.  He cannot really time the Kudzu around his headaches because since using the Redbull to abort, they are no longer on a schedule.  they come at various times.  He is also using the Nature's Way brand.
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Re: Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 1:24pm »
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It is very common that when we bring a new treatment into the equation a major whacking comes with it prior to simmering down.
On a side note, ya ever realize that everything has a side effect of headache
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Re: Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
« Reply #3 on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 1:43pm »
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Kudzu, when I first started on it, completely changed my cycle.  Before, I would get hits pretty much on schedule, daily and nighly.  After being on Kudzu for a couple days, the hits became more frequent, at different times of the day and night, and much stronger.  But, tell him to hang in there.  Things started to level out again for me, and the hits became much more bearable, although the timing of the hits still remained chaotic.  Kudzu never completely eliminated CH hits for me, but, eventually, I think it lessened the intensity of the hits.  
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Re: Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
« Reply #4 on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 1:47pm »
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Kudzu didn't do anything except give me gas.
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Re: Can Kudzu bring on the headaches?
« Reply #5 on: Jun 22nd, 2006, 1:55pm »
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As you will see by the other Kudzu threads that results do vary. I was one who had pretty good results -- tried on three diffferent cycles over a little more than a year. The timing, frequency and severity of the headache was altered within a day or two of taking. In other words, it didn't stop them dead in their tracks. It instead just kind of "shook up the cycle" at first. But then the severity decreased and the frequency largely eliminated the remainder of the hits for those cycles. It was, for me, the first preventative measure I had ever taken and I was pleased.
I have since had a pretty severe cycle where I started taking the Kudzu, was still getting hit pretty hard and lost the faith for that cycle. So, started injecting and hoofing O2.  
My next cycle I will again use the Kudzu with hopes that all will go well.
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seasonal boomer
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