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   Author  Topic: GLA?  (Read 201 times)
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  katycatcm   katycatcm
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« on: Jun 21st, 2006, 1:30pm »
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Hey, on my whole blood sugar investigation thing I came across some info about Taurine working to make you more sensitive to insulin. While searching for info on Taurine and disease I found some info on GLA, Gamma-linolenic acid, which supposively helps both to break down lipids in the blood and to help "normalize blood vessels." It's also an anti-inflammatory.
Has anyone tried taking GLA supplements?
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Re: GLA?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 21st, 2006, 6:48pm »
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I take fish oil, which (like GLA) is an omega-3 fatty acid.  I have speculated that those might help some people, but can't say for sure.  I have been in remission for a few years, but is it due to fish oil, (or the magnesium, melatonin, B-vitamins, and other things I take), or I am just getting a break? Dunno.  
Consumer Reports has gone so far as to reccomend all middle age adults take a fish oil supplement (mostly for the cardio benefits). But it also helps with the immune system and nervous system - generally improving a person's autonomic function, but not proven to reverse the autonomic imbalance in cluterheads.
« Last Edit: Jun 21st, 2006, 6:52pm by floridian » IP Logged
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