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   Author  Topic: Share My Experience  (Read 220 times)
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Share My Experience
« on: Jun 20th, 2006, 8:36pm »
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I am an episodic clusterhead.  My normal pattern is to get a 4 month spell every other year ever since I was a little kid.  I am now 50.  A few years ago, I skipped a year for unexplained reasons, and then did it again a few years ago, but a spell started up about 3 weeks ago.  I am trying Relpax and Topamax with great success so far.  The Relpax was working great as an abortive the 3 times I have taken it so far.  It doesn't have the rebound problems that Imitrex seemed to have. As far as the Topamax; I was taking 25mg in the pm for the 1st week, then 25mg in the am and pm for the second week.  Today is the second day of week 2.  I feel like a new man today!  I basically had a low grade (if there is such a thing) CH for about the last 10 days.  Today it was gone completely until I went out and mowed the yard in the Florida 95 degree heat.  But I immediately took my pm 25mg of Topamax and even that mild CH passed quickly.  Now I know these spells can turn ugly without warning, but this has been the easiest so far, knock wood.
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